Invasive Evasion (Mark and Jack)

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Jack held his breath as he carefully peeked into the room. When he saw no one there, he stole the opportunity while it lasted and ducked inside. His steps were light and fast as he kept checking over his shoulder, and once he made it to the terminal he checked his forearm. Beneath his pushed up sleeve revealed the hurried scribbles of inked characters, which the young man copied into the passcode bar.

"Yes!" Jack hissed between his teeth when the screen revealed the desktop. He burrowed through his back pocket, checking the doorways once more as he pulled out a tiny usb. As soon as it was plugged in, files opened up within a folder titled after the research company.

"Okay, latest entry, for Project- oh shit, there's more than one prehistoric experiment here? What the fuck... Okay there, just copy them all." Jack sat there biting the tip of his thumb, watching with wide eyes as the green bar slooowwwly filled up. Painfully slow. Man, these were heavy-duty video files, would the usb be able to hold all of them—?

Jack's head snapped back in the direction of the doorway he'd come from. Were those footsteps, or just his imagination? Shit, someone was coming! He glanced desperately at the bar, whispering "come on come on come on" as he tapped his foot. When it finally finished, Jack yanked the little device back out, turned off the screen, and hurried in the opposite direction. He thought he was in the clear, but just as he'd ducked past the door, the approaching staff member suddenly called out "hey!" from behind.

He broke into a run— which may not have been the best idea, but he couldn't afford to get caught now! He weaved through different other rooms, some technological, other science-y and laboratories. He slipped into a room he didn't recognize at first, but when he tried moving for the door he heard footsteps approaching from that direction too and backtracked. But not too far behind him was multiple footsteps, leaving Jack to look around wildly for his next best option— hide.

Where could a hacker hide in the middle of a giant, freakish company-owned building working on illegal experiments?

There! He spied a heavy duty door. That looked solid enough to deter anyone from looking. He ran to it and flashed his badge, and to his relief his id card still worked. The door clicked open, allowing him to push through before shoving against the door with all his might, and it slammed shut behind him.

With a relieved sigh, Jack backed away from the solid obstacle, but he soon after clipped his heel against something and toppled backwards with a yelp. He saw foliage in his peripheral, but his attention was otherwise occupied when he found his back slamming against the slope of a small cliff. His breath was knocked clean from his chest as he tumbled down, landing into the bushes with a noisy crash. The plants went still for a brief moment, and then Jack finally managed to roll out with a weak groan, gripping his sternum.

"Ow..." He slowly sat up, then managed to get back up onto his two shaky legs. He blinked once, twice, and then realized with a jolt that: One, he was in a huge roofless enclosure, and two— where did his glasses go?

Jack dropped back down onto his hands and knees, feeling the ground nearby. They couldn't have gone far, surely. Maybe they were still up on the cliff?

"Shit, shit, where did they go, where'd they—?" Jack sighed and squinted up at the heavens. It still looked cloudy out. He was hoping to have escaped the facility before the rain came in, that way the water would erase any tracks left behind.

Well, this certainly was not ideal, but at least he had bought himself some time. The only surveillance the enclosures had were— ... Night-vision cameras. Fuck. But that's okay! He still had a little more time, surely no one would think to check in here—

G/T YouTubers (One Shots and More)Where stories live. Discover now