Borrowing a Borrower (Mark and Amy) (Part 2)

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Mark was very curious about the hook and string he had found in the kitchen. It made no sense why someone would put it there, and he doubted that Ethan or Tyler left it there anyway since there wasn't any use for it... so what was it doing there?

After he and his friends were done recording, they uploaded their videos and went about their merry day. Nothing was out of the ordinary except for the tackle that was lying in the bottom of Mark's pocket. Day turned to dusk, and Mark still spent most of his day in the kitchen. He made chicken dumplings for dinner, and after they all ate they played some video games before Ethan decided to go to bed. Tyler soon headed to his room to do the same, and Mark was left to clean up.

He collected the Xbox controllers and put them back up before picking his plate up and heading into the kitchen. He turned the faucet on and rinsed his dirty dish, then set it down in the sink and turned the water back off. Mark then turned to leave, but he stopped as he looked at the towel that the hook had been snagged on. He stood there for a few seconds, biting his lip as he thought.

... maybe I should put my webcam up on the fridge, that way I can see what's going on. He nodded thoughtfully and left the kitchen to fetch the camera. The young man then returned to the kitchen and stretched up on tiptoe, and he placed the webcam on top of the fridge. Once he got the camera in place and angled correctly, Mark went back into his room and pulled his laptop out, and he connected to the webcam and pulled its screen up.

"Ok then." Mark took a few sips from his water before setting it down and staring intently at the screen. "What are you?" He murmured.

Only when the day turned to night did Amy finally crawl out from under the towel. She shivered as she was met with cool lunar air, and she folded her arms over her chest as she glanced around to make sure the coast was clear. She listened.

... ok, they've all gone to sleep. Amy sighed quietly in relief and started walking across the counters. I have to pack up everything, she realized. I have to go outside and look for another place to live, and I gotta make a new hook! Amy realized she was panicking and decided to take a step back and think. Ok, calm down Amy, she told herself. Just relax, ok? Mark doesn't know what you are or where you are, only that there's something curious going on. Curiosity is bad, and your family told you about how humans are dangerous, especially when they're curious.

Mark frowned and peered at the screen. He could have sworn he saw something on the counter, but it was too dark to tell. He pressed a few buttons to zoom in a little, but it didn't help. Then the thing scampered out of view.

"Damnit," he muttered. He grabbed his water and guzzled it down, sitting back. "What the hell was that?"

Finally. Safety. Amy sighed gratefully as she slipped back into the safety of her home. In here the world was her size, and she knew every inch of the place. But I have to leave now. Sadness stirred in Amy's chest, and she sighed.

"After I sleep," she murmured to herself, heading for a small empty box that had been filled with one of Mark's lost shirts. It was a red and black flannel, a lucky flannel according to Mark, but one day Mark had accidentally misplaced it. Amy never saw any reason to not keep it though. It was soft and comfortable to lay on. But her day had already been spent hiding in fear. She was tired now, and the borrower wanted nothing more than to rest for now. She climbed into bed and snuggled the covers, drinking in the human's faded touch. Amy wondered how Mark would see her if she was human, and she drifted into sleep daydreaming about the giant being friendly and not wanting to hurt her.

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