I Did Nothing

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TW// Extreme hate crime against LGBTQ+

Dream came in disoriented and visibly upset. He was wearing his pajamas, and his slippers.

"Oh my god! What are you doing?" George ran over and shut the door, pulling Dream to the couch.

Dream sat down and wrapped his arms around himself. "I went for a walk..." He was physically there, but not mentally.

"In your slippers?" George got a blanket and wrapped Dream up tightly. "What's going on?" From experience, George could tell Dream was going through a mental crisis. Typically people didn't wander outside for a walk in their slippers and pajamas.

"I was just calming down." Dream gripped the blanket and sank into the fabric. "The news..."

"You watched the news?" George sat down and wrapped an arm around Dream. "What was on the news baby?"

Dream turned and laid against George. It was his turn to be a vulnerable mess. "There's 80 deaths in Snow Chester..."

"From the cult?" George could hardly believe him.

Dream nodded his head. "Once the cult is satisfied there, they are probably going to come back here. To be honest...they are probably already here."

George rubbed Dream's back, suppressing his own panic attack so he could help Dream regain his sanity. "They aren't here...I mean Karl did get shot early on. Seems like he was the only one. If they were here, Karl wouldn't be the only victim in town."

Dream shrugged, still being certain that they were in danger. The cult was sneaky enough to lure people into a small town, they could be lurking anywhere.

"It's going to be fine, understand?" George kissed Dream's cheek. "I know we've been going through it lately, but we'll always have each other. No matter if we die tonight or two months from now, We'll stick together."

Dream sighed softly. He was finally starting to calm down and gain more control over his thoughts. "Thanks for coming back. Our marriage is fucked, but I'm glad we can keep each other company during all this."

"Don't mention it. Healthy marriages are boring anyway..." George joked so Dream didn't feel so bad. "Do you want to have a couple drinks with me before bed?"

"You know what? I'd love that." Dream agreed to drink off the pain and stress.


The two husbands got to bed pretty late. By the time they finally calmed down enough to sleep, it was just about 3:00 AM.

They slept like newlyweds. They snuggled like they had a bright future ahead of them. Not because they were happy, but because they were scared. Scared that soon they would be separated forever by death. It was only a matter of time before they were next. Not much time at that.

They had only been sleeping for two hours before the end began. A couple loud but not alarming sounds echoed through the air. They had no idea what it was. A firework? A car accident? A gun? An explosive?

Dream jolted awake first. He got up without waking George. There was no point in waking him if there wasn't anything going on. Walking to the window and looking out, Dream didn't see anything. He wandered to the living room and looked out the picture window.

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