Chapter • f i f t e e n

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I been calling Namoi to see what she was doing but I was getting no response.

"Daddy, where we going?" She asked

"You.. Are going home, daddy has some business to handle okay?"

"But I don't want to go daddy!! Can I go to grandmas?" She pouted

"I guess." I smiled

My momma doesn't seem to fond of Kizzie, I mean she is only three years old, and she isn't a bad girl, why wouldn't you like a little girl that does no wrong to you?

I pulled up infront of my moms and got out. I knocked on the door and Kizzie held on to my leg.

"Hello son!" My mom pulled me in for a hug until she looked down and seen Kiz.

"What's she doing here?" She asked

"Mom, this is your granddaughter and you should start treating her like it." I snapped

"Kitty, go play." My mom said reffering to Kizzie

Kizzie ran off. "Her name is KIZZIE." I informed

"I don't care. Now! Like I said before, I don't think that childs yours.. You need to open your dumb ass eyes Jason Lorenzo Dunn."

"Yes she is! Tiffany gave me a DNA test and everything!"

"Why do you even still associate with that no good whore? Where is that girl you introduced me to? Namoi? I like her.." She smiled

"Speaking of... I have to go so can you please watch Kizzie and don't be mean to her."

"Oh, I'm not mean to her. It just scares me knowing I think I KNOW she isn't your child." My mom said and slammed the door in my face.



I woke up to beeping. I opened my eyes and seen Jada sitting in a chair beside me.

"Jada, why am I here?" I asked

She shook her head. "Hmm I was wondering the same thing, Congrats though and you have some explaining to do." She said and I heard my phone start ringing.


"Namoi where you at?" Jerome asked

"Uhm... At the hospital."

"WHAT?! What happened? I'm on my way." He hung up

Oh lord.

"Okay, Jada i'll explain everything. Just don't tell Jason!!" I begged

"I won't you my girl why would I do that? I don't like Jason anyways, no offense." She smiled

I nodded and closed my eyes. About 20 minutes later I heard the door bust open.

"What happened?" I heard Jason

"I just passed out." I said

He shook his head and sat down. "Hey Jada." He said

She mugged him but nodded.

"Okay, miss Jameson here's you p-"

I cleared my throat to stop the doctor from continuing.

"Is there a problem?" He asked

"No, can we just do this in private? Jason and Jada will y'all step out into the hall?" I asked

They nodded and left. The doctor gave me my prenatal vitamins and release papers to leave, and I found out I am three and a half weeks pregnant.

I went into the hall to find Jada sitting on her phone and Jason standing with his head against the wall.

"We can go now." I told them

I need to get home and sleep on this. How the hell am I going to tell my fiance that i'm pregnant by his son? How am I gonna tell Kyle that i'm pregnant with his child that is soon to be his step brother or sister. This shit is just too much.


"Oh shit, that was good!" I told Jerome as he looked up at me and smiled.

"And you tasted good." He said and stood up.

"Okay, I need to call my cousin really quick to check on Kizzie and then i'm gonna call my sister to see if she wants to come over." I got up off the bed and grabbed my phone.

"Hey babe. I'm sorry for earlier, but when are you bringing Kizzie home?"

"She's at my mothers house, i'll pick her up and bring her to you tomorrow." Jason said and hung up.

I dialed my sisters number and she answered on the third ring.

"Hey bitch!" Kylie yelled

"What you doing?" I laughed

"Nothing, I just left from my dudes house why what's up?"

"You wanna come and chill with me and my friend?"

"Sure i'll be by in twenty." She said and hung up.

Yass. This bitch is about to turn up!!


Man Kylie just left my house, I didn't even know she knew where I lived. She came over and just gave me head out of nowhere. I liked it, i'm not gonna lie, almost made me want to fuck her but i'm not gonna do that to Namoi.

Speaking of, i'm about to hit her up.

Me: Hey ma. How you been?

30 minutes later.

Ma: Fine..... I have to go, bye.

Well damn. She acting shady as hell since my dads back into town.
I'll just call Angeela.


I pulled up to Tiffany's house and seen a car that looked so familiar.

I rung the doorbell and Tiffany answered it wearing a VERY short robe.

"Damn sis look at you... Let me find out you fuckii-" I seen Jerome

"My boyfriend." I finished as tears formed in my eyes.

"What? Him?" She pointed laughing

"Hey babe... Oh shit Kylie?" Jerome's eyes widened

"Jerome you know her?" Tiffany asked

"Fuck y'all! I swear!!!! I'm gonna kill you tonight Jerome. Wait until you come get your shit, you can't stay here forever. And Tiffany come on, you are fucking low as hell. You knew that this was my boyfriend." I cried

She shrugged. "He just gave me some bomb ass head babes!" She laughed

"Says the one that's married to a man that's about to get engaged." I snapped and punched her dead in the face.

"I HATE Y'ALL!!" I yelled and slammed the door going to my car to get my gun.

I ran back up to the house and aimed it at Jerome's 'manhood'. "So you like cheating on me?" I asked him

"No baby, see it wasn't like that!" He lied

"Then what the fuck was it like huh?" I asked my hand started to shake and my finger itching to pull the trigger.

"Kylie you're cra-" I shot....



Who got shot?

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