C h a p t e r • t w e n t y e i g h t

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I heard the doorbell ring so I looked out, opened the door and nobody was there. I did see a piece of paper that said

'Come by my house. We need to talk.'

I knew it was from Kyle. I crumbled it up and closed the door.

"Who was that?" Jada asked

"I opened the door, nobody was there." I shook my head.
"I'm so stressed I need to have fun!" I complained

"Let's hit the club tomorrow night girl!"

"Hit the what?" Nathan came in questioning

"We going out tomorrow night babe. Don't even start, you can drop us off and pick us up. We not going to miss behave... Well not until we get back home." Jada said rubbing his chest

I shook my head.

"Aight. But let me find out."

"What's going on?" Durrell asked

"Me and Jada is going out tomorrow babe. You and Nathan is going to watch the kids. Nathan is picking us up and dropping us off."

He nodded. "Okay, sounds good to me. I hope y'all both have a good time. You deserve it."

I smiled. He's so sweet.


I was going to stay at that door to see my son. But I feel guilty. I let something go that I still could've had. Now looking at all of them through the window as happy friends and couples is pissing me off. I could've been that nigga Namoi's with. That pussy used to be all mine, now he has it. I know exactly who this nigga is. His name is Tank. I listened to his music, not anymore.


I turned to see Namoi in a robe at my car window. I rolled it down

"What the fuck? Are you stalking me now?!" She questioned

"Nah. Just checking up on you."

"You're fucking crazy." She snapped and tried to walk away before I pulled her arm back.

"Get in the car. Let me talk to you for a minute."

"NAMI.. YOU GOOD BABY? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" That nigga called out

"I'm talking to my friend. Go on and get in bed baby. I'll be in, in a little while." She said back to him and he went back in the house like a little bitch.

Namoi came around and sat in the passenger seat.

"Now what the fuck do you want Kyle?!" She snapped

"You." I leaned in and kissed her.

"Stop!" She pushed me off. "Somebody probably just seen that."

"They didn't see shit. My windows tinted. I could put ya titties up against the window and be fucking the shit outta you and they wouldn't be able to see you." I said causing her to freeze up.

"Why you acting so scared?" I gripped her leg and began going in towards her thighs. "Quit." she pushed my hands off. I put my hands back and she kept pushing them away so I slightly slapped across the face and told her to stop.

"Did you just.... You know what? Fuck you. You've changed ALOT and I hate you now, and you'll NEVER see your son. I wish I did get pregnant by someone other than your disrespectful, young ass." She snapped and got out the car.


Something slight!

I spy interesting things happening in the future.



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