C h a p t e r • t w e n t y s i x

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We're on our way to San Diego to visit Namoi's friends. We've all hung out before. They are cool people. I just need to get to know them alittle better.

"Baby.." I whispered and tapped Namoi on the shoulder

"Yes?" She opened her eyes.

"How long exactly are we staying when we grt there, cause I don't know how much clothes you packed my bag."

"For three days. Today,Tuesday, and Wednesday that gives us Thursday to fly home and pack. Now lay back and enjoy the flight sweetie." She kissed my forehead.

I did just that. Man, I think i'm inlove with this woman. Everysince I first saw her and helped her and her baby out. Well our baby. She told me the whole story about her and Kj's real dad. How he took advantage of her while she was drunk and she fell into temptation. I can tell she isn't easy and all that. She didn't really want to be around me for a long while. We finally judt had sex last year, it had been three long years. I wasn't rushing it though. Why would I? I'm a MAN and I respect that. Just because i'm horny and stuff i'm not like these BOYS that try and force women to have sex with them.


"Yes I feel fine now.... I just felt sick." I told Nathan

"Are you pregnant?"
He asked

"No. I can't be."

"That's what every woman says, i'm going to pick you up a pregnancy test."

"No forreal. I'm not just saying that to be saying it.. I'm serious."

I heard him blow out air.
"Aight, i'm still about to buy some and make you take them." He laughed

"You're childish, you'll see."

"I will see and if you not, i'll fuck you until you are."

"Nathan!! You talking like that with Kizzie at the car?!"

"I'm in the car. She's walking out the house with my momma."

"Okay. Well hurry and get here! Nami and them should be here soon."

"Aight. Love you."

"Love you too." I said then hung up.

I know for a fact i'm not pregnant.

I walked around the house to see if everything was where it's supposed to be and I looked at my phone to see that it's 2:32pm. They should be landing in the next thirty minutes.


"Why you acting so distant and shit now?" Kyle yelled at me


"You really acting like a BITCH. Don't be cussing like that my sons in the next room."

"Wrong MY son." I folded my arms. I feel this is the time i need to tell him.

"Don't act like you a single mother now, I been here his whole damn life."

"I'm not a single brother and you're not an only child."

"What the fuck you mean?"

"JAYDEN IS JASONS SON DAMMNIT!! Get the hint. Jason is here all the time. Jason is around me and his son all the time. I named him with a J, both of our names starts with K. Jaydens your brother." I said causing Kyle to jump off the bed and push me to the ground. I fell on my arm and I felt it kind of snap.

I started to cry. He left out the room.


I don't care that i'm crying like a little bitch. That's fucked up. I been raising my "brother." For four fucking years. My dad and Kylie knew while i'm walking around like a "proud father." What kind of shit is that.

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