Chapter • t w e n t y

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I felt I should use Aaliyah as Jessica. She is so beautiful and I think she'd be playing this role well! R.I.P! & If you don't like that I used Aaliyah, F U C K you H O E!


"I got to leave in a couple of weeks!" I told Jessica

She nodded. "You'll be back soon though right?" She asked

"I should.. You know I can't stay away from my first love." I stated with a smile.

"Yeah.. Man, this is all so crazy. If I wasn't young and dumb I would be able to see my son now! Me faking my death, so freaking stupid. Couldn't even take care of my son when he needed me the most." She shook her head

"He been taken care of." I told her

She nodded her head. "I miss him. How old is he now? About nineteen almost twenty?"

"Yeah, in like 8 months."

"Wow! Times gonna fly! My baby will be twenty years old! I feel so old and bitter right now and i'm only 35!"

I nodded. "He misses you."
I went to her cuddled with her.

"I know." She said and then I heard her soft snores indicating she had fallen asleep.


"Kyle!... Fuck." I managed to get out. I threw it back with each stroke he was hitting me with. He pulled out turned me around, made me lay back on the counter as he put my leg over his shoulder. He was going in and out of me slowly. Then he sped up making me take all of him. "Got dammit Kyle!" I raised up and pushed his chest so he could stop. I guess that motivated him to go harder. "You can't take this dick?" He grunted out. "Huh? Answer me." He commanded
"Fuck i'm about to cum!" I cried
"Who you gonna cum for?"
He asked
I couldn't get anything out."Who you gonna fuckin cum for?" He gripped my neck with one hand and hip with the other.
"You!" I screamed as he continued to hit my spot. "Who's you?" He questioned slowing down his strokes but giving me hard ones. "You! Oh... shiiiiiit!" My body began to tremble and my leg got weak
"I don't know who you is?" He said and picked me up off the counter and walked me to the wall beginning to stroke inside me.


My eyes snapped open and I seen Kyle standing over the bed with a confused look, he shook his head and looked down.

I looked to where he was looking and I seen my hand in my panties, and I was soaked! God this is so embarrassing.

"I-I wa-"

"Having a dream about us having sex? I know that's all you ever gonna do now cause i'm with Kylie, now get ya ass up and get in the shower."

"You're such an asshole! I never done anything to you. Then you go off with my so called best friend and fuck her." I shook my head

"Wrong! You cheated on me and got pregnant and I got Kylie pregnant."

I laughed and wiped the tear that had fallen. "WRONG! I cheated on your father with YOU and got pregnant by YOU. I tried to keep it from YOU. And WRONG again. Kylie's baby isn't yours dumb ass. Trying to turn a how into a house wife, what the fucks wrong with you? Your daddy ain:t teach you shit?" I snapped

"Nah, i guess I'm just following after him." She shrugged. "He trying to turn you into a house wife right?" He chuckled

"I'm not a fucking hoe though!" I screamed

"Bitch, you fucked your fiance's son.. have a seat." He pointed to the chair in the corner of the room.

"I fucking hate you!! I swear I do! If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be in this situation! If it wasn't for me I wouldn't be in this situation! I should have fucking went with my family and died with them!" I cried and got off the bed and stormed off to the bathroom.

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