C h a p t e r • t w e n t y n i n e

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I don't know if you guys has seen the movie Colombiana (made a few years back) or not but that is where I got Kizzies character the girl is Amandla Stenberg. You may know her from Hunger Games. But in Colombiana she was Colombian. She is really Biracial no accent or anything but in this book she is going to be part Colombian which she gets from tiffany whom is not really Colombian either..


"So what all happened last night?" I asked Namoi

"He kissed me and he tried to go into further action. I'm happy with Durrell, and my son. We've been doing great these last four years and then all of a sudden I bump into him at the store."

"Well, atleast he saw his child."

"Yeah. But he seen me too. He won't leave me alone now!" I said

"Who won't leave you alone?" Durrell came into the kitchen

"Some guy that's been claiming to be her cousin for years." I defended.

"Oh. Just ignore him. Let me know if he's trying to hurt you or something." He said and paused

"You know, i've preformed around here before but I never really got to go around the city... We should all go out, enjoy the day with the kids before you two go to the club tonight."

"That actually sounds great." Namoi said

I nodded my head. I went upstairs got Kizzie and Nathan up and I got in the shower.


"Dad... Do I have to go?" Kizzie asked me

"No, you can stay here. Just don't let anybody in my house and don't you go no where or i'm gonna whoop your little ass." I informed her

"Okay thanks." She said and walked back to her room. I got up and went downstairs to see Durrell and Namoi really lip locking and shit.

I cleared my throat. They stopped and faced me.

"Oh sorry." Namoi and Durrell both said at the same time.

"Y'all good. I just need to get to the refrigerator."

They moved to the side and I went on about my business.


It was time to leave and Jada was nagging me about Kizzie not coming but it's MY daughter.

"I don't care if it is your daughter nigga. Who been helping you raise her all these years? It sure wasn't her slutty ass "mother"." She snapped

"Aye, chill the fuck out." I snapped back.

"Don't fucking talk to me." She caught up with Namoi, and Kj. Me and Durrell was in the front seat while they were in the back.

"Where we going first?" I asked

"Let's go to the mall, I don't care which one, then let's go grab some food, well sit out and eat."Namoi said

"Okay." I said and began driving.


"They're gone?"

"Ellos simp... I mean, they just left." I corrected myself

"You speak spanish?" He asked me

"Yes, I mean my mom is part Colombian and so am I." I said before I heard the other line hang up and I look to see Tony standing in front of my door.

"That's sexy as hell you speak Spanish."

"Yeah, anyways..." I trailed off.

"What movie do you want to watch? I have some here." I got up off of my bed and went to my movie stand. "Uhh, Bringing down the house it's old, but watch able. I used to watch it with my dad when I was younger.... Then I-"

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