C h a p t e r • t h i r t y s e v e n

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A year later...


"Momma, Kyle won't stop crying and hitting me!" KJ told me

"Oh my goodness Khalil, you cant try and cheer him up!" I asked as I got up from the couch. I've been up and running like crazy and Durrell is gone on a business trip. I have NO help at all. Its been rough since Kyle died. I miss him so much. I named the baby Kyle Lorenzo Dunn, after his father. He is a year and two months old.
Me and Durrell moved back to Cali, not San Diego, but LA and we're doing just fine. Jada she had a baby, and so did Kizzie. I was so shocked and hurt when I first found out about Kizzie. But what could I do. She's now 14 with a baby that is almost 1 years old.


"Tyree, don't do that." I took my bra out of his hand.

"I want back." He reach for it.

"No!" I said causing him to start crying.

"What's wrong with him?" Nathan asked

"He wants my bra." I told him.

He shook his head. "I'm about to go pick up Kizzie an Karlie, you want me to bring them ova hea' or take them back to my house.

"It doesn't matter to me, and besides. I can't hold a grudge with a child forever. I told him he left and came back with Kizzie, and Tony.

"How you doin Ms. Jada." Tony smiled. I faked a smile. Nathan didn't seem like hisself anymore.

"What's wrong Nate?" I asked
He shook his head and went into another room.

"Kizzie. What's wrong with your father?" I asked her. She put her baby down and stood up looking at me. "He's mad because he has another grand baby on the way." She said as if she didn't care.

"What the hell did you just say?"

"You heard me Jada, don't start not shit."

"Little girl. I'm not your momma. I'll beat your fuckin ass. Acting like you GROWN. You are fourteen years old. When you're fifteen you gonna have two babies! You are a stubborn fast ass little girl. Don't care about shit but being a little hoe." I said and she felt the need to smack me. I smacked her back sending her to the ground. "Nathan, com get your daughter out of my house! I'll beat her to death. Don't try me." I snapped.

"Yeah, go on... Help ya little baby momma up. Take y'alls son you little rapist. Seventeen year old got a damn fourteen year old pregnant.. Again." I shook my head.

I played with Tyree for a little bit longer before he started getting sleepy on me, so I took him to sleep, and I decided to call Naomi.

There's only going to be like 1-2 more chapters left. I'm not feeling this book anymore. & if I'm not feeling this anymore, NOOO. There is not going to he a sequel so DON'T ask.



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