Jimmy Hurdstrom

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It was the last day of training before the rodeo on Saturday evening, and Jimmy had been feeling excited about it. For some months, he had found something that made him truly happy and that he loved doing.

He sat down next to Lloyd and watched some cowboys training.

"Nice job, kid.", Lloyd said, mentioning the fact that Jimmy held tight to a bull for 8 seconds just now.

"I just hope to do it again tomorrow.", said Jimmy, before looking around looking for someone. "Did you see (Y/N)?"

Lloyd shrugged his shoulders.

"She ain't coming, Jimmy".

You had been dating Jimmy for almost a year, and your feelings only grew stronger and stronger every day. You really love him, but you couldn't keep seeing him on rodeos, almost killing himself for a stupid competition. It was not that you didn't want Jimmy to make something that clearly makes him happy, but your heart couldn't bear it. Every single time you were watching him ridding a bull in an arena, your heart seemed to miss a beat.

"Can't be married to two things at the same time.", Lloyd said, speaking again. "You gotta make choices sometimes, kid."

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"What are you talking about?", Jimmy sounded confused.

"Jimmy.", Lloyd said. "She loves you, don't you see that?", he quietly nodded. "No woman likes to see her man almost getting kill by a fucking bull."

Maybe Lloyd was right, Jimmy thought to himself. Sometimes you can't be married to two things in life. He just needed to make a simple decision: the rodeo life or a life with you?

"Where you going, kid?", Lloyd asked when Jimmy suddenly stood up.

"You are right. I can't be married to two things, Lloyd.", Jimmy said, and he knew the only thing he wanted in this life was to marry you.

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