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Authors note: this chapter is about Lukas and Olivias Backstory, how they got together and will be in their POVs. Please go read - Lukas City - spin-off book - dedicated to Lukas Cloud and Olivia Brooklyn.


(A year before, the morning after)

I couldn't seem to sleep on my own last night, just thinking about the fact that she was here, in my house, in my spare bedroom.

So I sneaked in on her fast asleep and decided to stay in the spare bedroom. Falling asleep beside her, and to be honest, I got the best sleep I've had in years.

For some reason....


She sighs, as she slowly wakes from her sleep on my chest.
My slow breathes raising her up and down, as she finally opened her eyes fully.
"Hi" i say, with a soft smile.
"Hi" she says, all sleepy and she stretches, "how long have you been here, how long have you been awake?"

"Well I've been here since last night and I've been up for awhile" i tell her, just out of the blue, no beating around the bush.

She smiles up at me, "thats sweet" she says.
"So it's not creepy" I ask.
"Mhm, that too" she says, as i chuckle and nudge her off me.

She rolls on the bed and then goes to her phone, which then brings her back to her senses.... "Avery hasn't called has she?" She looks at me concerned, so I shake my head, she hasn't.

She calls her several times with no answer, i can tell she starts to panic because her mood has changed, she's now currently getting back into her club wear and panicking.

"I did say worry if she hasn't called you but-" i pause as she darts her piercing eyes at me.

"I'll help you find her" i tell her, however I know where she is....
She left, and it was curious that Dalton and Mason weren't found after, so it's obvious to me, and not obvious to her.... Avery Kimberly, her best friend, is with them.

I end up driving her back to her parents house, of course not caring about the rich car parked outside their house. She sighs, then shows me a soft smile, panic still peircing through her.

"Thanks" she says.
"Hey, wait" i pause and give her my number, written on a breakfast bar rapper from this morning, "just in case okay".


The rest of my day consists of finding out Avery is in an underground bunker in Paradise City.

So the news breaks out, goes viral, of an local Boston posh girl being known missing. However she isn't missing, she's living it up with Dalton Sky.

I turn the radio off, grab some water and continue my workout. My gym in my own house means that a mafia guy like me doesn't have to work out in public.

My phone rings beside me as i peer over to see who it is, a no caller ID. This should be good.

I answer to hear the voice of a girl through the other end.
The voice of broken girl.... Olivia Brooklyn.
"Hi, I'm outside" she says.


He answers the door straight away.
Stands in the entrance and just looks down at me.
My emotional, possibly unstable mess...

"She's missing, it's everywhere now Lukas" i say, snuff and wipe my eyes before continuing, "I just thought I'd come see you, maybe you could keep me company... I don't want to be with family right now" i tell him.

He gestures me inside and closes the door, following him through his hallway to his own open-planned, but to his own aesthetic. Rich ass house.

"Forgot what this place even looked like" i sigh.
He slumps on the sofa, in nothing but black underwear.
"How could you forget?" He asks me, before letting out a chuckle.

"So, you haven't heard the news then?" I ask, sitting beside him, "no, I heard..." he pauses as I watch him trace his finger down his ab line for some reason. "Im sorry to hear about Avery, I hope you find her and thats she safe" he says.

I sigh, and hug into him. Taking his arm for comfort. "I hope so to" i say.
He allows me to have his arm, all while staying slumped on his sofa.
"This is a bit of a forward question" i pause, "but go on" he says, "are you glad that I came over?" I look at him, general feelings course through my body, as his smile ignites me.

"Yeah I guess so" he says.


(Back to the present)


Back downstairs, after following the mystery man to some high in heaven. I'm back, walking through the city, as i now no longer need to use that posh fake accent in. The reason why I posed as a rich woman, vibing in a masquerade ball, was because I had nothing else better to do.

But, I remove my my mask and throw it in the bin and decide to hit the club. I mean why the fuck not.

Not even a round in though, I feel a presence behind me as he takes my shoulder.

"Hello Mr Sky" i shout over the music.
I feel a smirk on his face....
I turn to face him and smile up at his figure.
"Avie" he says.

"What are you doing here?" I question him taking my drink to my mouth. "Why the hell not" he tells me. "Mhm" i say, he sits beside me and clinks his drink with mine, "mhm" he says back.

A man from beside me nestles into me and i turn over to see him. He smiles showing his yellowing teeth, and his musty manly look makes me want to cringe.

All he does is flirt. This man, just keeps hitting me with pick up lines that would never work on any girl. But here I am, just watching him, with Dalton giving the man his infamous death glare behind me.

I search the crowd, to spot another man, he's also a blonde, shorter then Dalton but still has a sort of attractiveness to him. So I make my way toward him, as Dalton follows me leaving the cringe man behind with his alcohol.

"What are you doing?" He questions me.
"I'm just going to make conversation" i tell him, he turns me to face him, he huffs... "you got to go now" he directs me.

"No I don't" i push him off, i sigh before continuing "in case you've forgotten, I'm not an object that you own Dalton, I have a mind of my own" i tell him.

"Your not going off to kiss some random man when your drunk again" he shouts at me, clenching his fist, but I know he'd never hit me.

"Your pathetic" i slur, "you think that I'd ever go for someone less then you" i say.

He quirks his eyebrow before shaking his head.
"Avery" he says.

I dance around him, I'm this moment of time, I find it amusing just leading him on. Leading him to either somewhere or nowhere.

"Hey listen, this is kinda like a love hate relationship situation" he pauses as i chuckle.

"Relationship" i say, my laugh blends in with the music.

"Oh please, don't start with that shit" he spits out.

"What shit" I slur, standing right in front of him.

"The hole, you acting and playing out to be the victim" he tells me.

"You seeming so clueless" he continues.

"Well maybe I am" i say as i look up at him and smirk.

"Well maybe because I fuck you, and you love it, and you keep coming back to me, it means that we're in a relationship" he tells me.

He is leaning over me, as if we could be head to head.
Nose to nose...

"Yeah maybe" i say, as i stare up at him.
We're chest to chest.

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