Author's notes

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Hi everyone! This is the 2nd story I'll be posting in Wattpad! For those who are first timer's, welcome 😊! For those who were already supporting me be it you're a silent reader, commenter, voter, and follower, let me give you all a high five✋✋✋! Thanks for reading this bois! 

 A couple of things, first is, I'm glad that I'm finally able to share this story with you all! Secondly, 'Stringed' is connected to 'Unwavering(Ichika Fanfic) though, it's not a requirement for you to read it(but if you do, I'd appreciate it XD. Sorry for the plug).  

This means that if you see a familiar character, you're probably right, they're characters from my other story(ies). The analogy is like Arcane(yeah the Netflix animation). You can enjoy the story without playing League of Legends at all (Please, spare yourself... Just don't... 😅😂).

Lastly, don't know if this is needed but for people who needs to,

(F/N) - First name
(Y/N) - Nickname/Alas/whatever you want to call yourself (Actually, this is based from my understanding so please correct me immediately 😅)

This is dedicated to all the Nino Gang and Nino Fans out there!  

With that being said, Let's get right to it!

Stringed (Nino Nakano x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now