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Last week as I was reading the paper, I'd come across an article about a man who'd been stuck by a vehicle while crossing a busy intersection. The walk sign was on, but many of the drivers in this city still have no understanding of what it means. Luckily for him the nearest hostpial was only a block away.

Three days ago my husband and daughter crossed that very intersection. If you have any idea where I'm trying to go with this, you're probably right. 

I am a doctor myself, but I mostly focus my practice on childern's mental health. As of late, my own hasn't been very stable. 

That day I had volunteered for a few hours in the ICU, which I do almost every week. Our family outing was planned for that day. There is a zoo that's only a couple blocks down from the hospital. We go there every few months or so, since it brings this huge smile to Sarada's face. Her favorite animals to see are the hawks. A couple times she was able to hold one on her arm, causing her to not stop talking about it for days. 

One of the nurses working alongside me informed of the accident. All I knew then was that one person was in critical condition, the other completely frantic with only minor injury.

At first I didn't see his face, but I could tell who he was by his lifeless hand hanging off the gurney. Our matching wedding rings aren't hard to miss either, for he has my family crest on his and his on mine.

I'd quickly run up to him, checking all his vital signs to make sure he was still breathing. Everything was weak, but still alive. Another doctor came in, and told me that he would take care of everything. No mater how much I protested and pushed, they wouln't let me tend to my husband.

Shortly after the argument they rolled in a little girl, my little girl. She was awake, but had cuts on her face that I needed to take care of. She also no longer wore her red rim glasses, and her wrinkless clothes were covered in dirt. 

After I cleaned her up, she looked up to me with fear in her eyes. She asked me where daddy was, and all I could tell her was that we have to wait for him to get fixed up. 

I asked her what had happened, but all she said she'd remembered was being push onto the ground so hard her glasses broke.

Right now I am reading the paper, Sarada's head is nestled into my lap. Beside me Sasuke sleeps with the help of various machines. The past hour the only noise I can focus on are the beeps and breaths of his heart and lungs.

We're hopeful he'll wake up, but the doctors say otherwise. Deep down I can see it too, but I won't give up on that hope. Even if I have to sell my soul to rewind time, I'll do it. 

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