Day 2-LATE

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The taps of feet rang through the darkness of the abandoned lair that lay beneath the ground. Doors slammed one after another leaving behind faint echoes that lasted only for awhile. His heavy breathing could create it's own fog, but he dared not to waste another breath. There was one last hallway he hadn't yet checked since his team had split up individually. Another round of doors slamming sang throughout the empty corridors, leaving him with one last room to check. Slowly opening the handle, he could already see the bright candlelight enveloping his toes, legs, then entire self. Beside the light sat a ravaged, beaten, worn out girl. Her short pink hair fell down her face, hiding the marks and bruises she received. Unmoving from the sound of the opening door, he stepped into the room making his way slowly to the body. Her signature red vest lay on the ground beside, all she wore were the breathable nets underneath, and the matching short skirt. Whoever had done this didn't even let her keep those high heeled boots on her feet. Going to her backside he cut the bonds in a second with the kunai he put back just as fast as it had come out. Hoping she would wake up, she fell forward, and fast with no sign of waking. She fell into his arms as he knelt on the ground, holding the girl against his chest. He could feel the weak beat of her heart against his own, her light breathes that matched his rhythm.

"You're late." She muttered, as she let herself go limp in his arms once again. His sigh was quiet, but brought a smile to her face. Relief struck the two as they sat in the light of the candle that began to flicker out.


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