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"Ouch! Don't handle it so roughly!"

"Then stop moving around like that Sakura!"

"Then stop trying to break it all over again!"

"Just stay still and don't talk anymore." Sakura shut her mouth as she made her body go still. During sparring with Sasuke, she had fell over a broke tree causing her left ankle to sprain. For awhile she ignored but he noticed, then carried her on his back through the village. As embarrassed as she was, and no matter how many times she said she could walk, he still held her legs against his body as they went straight to his apartment.

"You could have taken me to the hospital, they have supplies there." He continued to wrap bandages around her petite ankle, his eyes following every time the roll rounded her foot.

"They're too busy to take someone like you." She fell back into the chair he set her on with defeat.

"I work there you know." She muttered as loud as she could with annoyance in her voice.

"Hn." She lift her head to look as he was finishing up rolling the bandages around her sprain.

"I'm supposed to go out with the girls tonight, I don't know how that'll happen."

"Can't you use your medical jutsu or whatever." Her cheeks turned red as she leaned her head back against the head rest.

"I-I only like to use it in cases of emergency."

Knowing you Sakura, you'd have taken care of it the moment you fell. Is there something you're not saying?"

"Sasuke, just because you're my boyfriend doesn't mean you have to know everything I do!" She put her hands to her face as she felt him tying the bandages together.

"Hn, I see what you are saying."

"N-nothing I'm meant nothing!" He placed her foot gently on a soft pillow from the couch, and got up from beneath her to move to the chair beside the one she was in.

"I can tell them you're going to have a night-in if they drop by." She split her fingers apart to peek her green eyes to Sasuke's calm dark ones.

"They'll probably be angry, well one of them at least." Her mind thought of Ino who was always angry at Sakura for something, most of the time for the fact she was dating Sasuke, the guy they became rivals for in the first place.

"Well it's almost eight thirty, so they should be looking for you now right?" Sakura nodded as she let her hands fall to her side, her gaze focused on the door across the room in his apartment. As she was lost in a daze, she didn't notice Sasuke get up from his chair, put his arms under her back and knees, to lift her up from the small chair.

"S-Sasuke what're you doing!" She squeaked out while squirming with surprise.

"You need to rest." He said as he walked through the rooms to a short hallway that had three doors. One for the bathroom, one for the extra bedroom where she would normally sleep, but this time he headed straight for his own bedroom at the end of the hall. Opening the door she saw how empty is really was. There was a big fluffy bed with more pillows then needed, a small desk and chair with few papers and a small television. He set her with ease onto the bed, being extremely careful with her ankle. Just as her head hit the pillow, there was a rapid knock at the door.

"I'll take care of it." He said as he left the room, closing the door behind him. She examined the room more closely, seeing that he had a bigger closet then her own house. The television sat on top of a big dresser. The two big windows on her left and in front were nice to look out. Both sides of the village could be seen with the turn of a head. Looking to her side, the small table had a lamp and a certain picture only two other people had. It was taking a long time ago, it's edges were slowing browning. The picture was of team seven, back when they were first formed. She smiled at the thought he kept them so close. Sasuke entered the room again, closing the door behind him.

"That girl is as annoying as she was before." He sighed as he walked around the bed to the side Sakura didn't occupy. He laid down on the white sheets, closing his eyes once he hit the big pillows.

"Sasuke?" Sakura whispered as she began to sink into the bed, beginning to get lost in the first sleep stage.

"Shh, it's our night in." He reached out to push her down flat on the bed, pulling her close into his chest. Her blushing was out of control, the heart beating was even worse. Soon the smell of him calmed her down, as they fell asleep with no sheets on the warm summer night.

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