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"What'll you wish for?" She asks me as she stares at the small star in my hands.

What I hold cupped in my palms, is a chance for a new life. There sits three chances to make everything right, to make people I love come back to me. I could have all the money in the world, and all the power I could ever want. 

As her bright green eyes stare into the small light, I begin to see something in her pupils. Something that is much brighter then what I hold in my hands. It has been carved with kindness and pain through out the long years that are now behind us. As of right now, I believe I have no right to take that away.

Everything I have and had, which were gained with hard work, and lost with pain are things I now cherish. Even if I could have all those things back, I would lose the me I am now.

"Nothing." As the star dissipates into a million tiny dust particles, tears fall down her cheeks. She tightly wraps her arms around me as we slowly disappear into the blankness of these white sheets.

SasuSaku Month 2014Where stories live. Discover now