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This ocean of limitless drops demands to take me to it's pitiful depths. I can no longer move, swimming back up has no longer become an option. All this time I've been told lies after lies, no truths that could be settled. Everything has been taken from me, I can see no hope in front of me. The sun shines through the water, it looks nice from down her. Something so close, but so far. Closing my eyes, I let this sea of darkness take me down to it's bottom. It rips be bare, but there is no longer anything to show. I continue to look to the light, through my thin lids. It disappears the deeper I go. Air is no longer something I need, my lungs have stopped it's burning. My body is becoming compressed from the monster pressure, but I no longer feel it's deathly grip. Finally I let go.

"I'm not giving up on you, I never will!" This voice, I've heard it before. It used to calm me in my darkest times, even though she never knew it. Slowly I open my eyes, the sun is gone just like I guessed. It hadn't disappeared like I though, it only hides behind her small figure. Her short pink hair flutters behind her in the shiftless gravity of this ocean. Her arms are small, but the strength she gives is of pure will. She doesn't have to hold her breath as she continues to swim down like I once had to. Her hands wrap around the back my head, her green eyes burn into the ones I've renamed black holes.

"I'm not taking you down with me." She smiles as she leans in to my ear.

"Then I guess I'll just have to take you up with me."

SasuSaku Month 2014Where stories live. Discover now