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The cold wind blows on my face, leaving my nose red and running. The scarf that was once keeping me warm, is now frozen to my mouth. To my right others are just as cold, as we all wait for the next train. Over our heads, a voice crackles into the speakers.

"The next few trains have been delayed by thirty minutes, please take shelter until they arrive." The voice then fades out.

I turn around to look across the street, remembering a tea shop being there. The open sign was on, so I quickly ran to the warmth of the small cafe.

Inside it's warmer, and smells of teas, coffees, and freshly baked treats. Behind the counter are two worker who greet me with smiles. There are only a few people who sit in the chairs. I order a cup of orange pekoe, and an apple tart. I take my food and sit on the stools which face out to the window. Beside me sits a man with long dark hair.

"Are you waiting for the train too?" I ask as I sip my hot cup of tea. He turns to look at me, and slowly puts down his newspaper.

"I got too cold out there, so I decided to just wait until the train arrived.

"Which one are you supposed to catch?"

"Number three, you?"

"Number five, so I might be here for awhile longer." I sigh as I bite into my apple tart.

"Do you live outside town?"

"I'm staying with my friends family for the holidays, so I am for now."

"Are you a university student?"

"Yes, I go to Ritsumeikan."

"Ah, same here!" I exclaim, a little too loudly. I look around to surprised stares, and I shyly back into my chair. The man beside me chuckles to himself as he drinks from his cup.

"Maybe I'll see around there when classes start again."

"I hope so." I say as I finish my apple tart. Outside a train pulls into the station, with the number three on it.

"Well there's my train, I better get going." He says as he gathers his things into his bag, and puts on his coat.

"Wait, how will I know where to find you?" I ask as he's about to head out the door.

"Go to the New Year's festival on campus, I'll meet you under the big clock at midnight." He tells me as he walks out the door, and across the street into the train cart. I didn't even get his name.

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