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This is my destiny. The fate that had been chosen for me. I born to take this dark path, it has been engraved into my soul. It will come easy to me, for I have been given the tools to accomplish these things. Everything I had was taken from me, so I did what I had to. Ignoring everything else was easy, but not as easy as I first thought. There was always this nagging feeling in my stomach, telling me that what I was doing wasn't right. Of course it was right, for it was what the stars left for me to do with my time on this earth. Or was it? After I became close to people, I began to feel things I thought has been locked away. Those years I did my best to push them all out, not letting them feed on to me. Then it kicked in. These emotions weren't going to go away, not ever. There was one last thing I could do. I left the light, returning to the darkness within. Everything was left in my dust, inside a box I will never return to. I spent countless hours, working on this disastrous mind set. Finally I had accomplished it, afterwards only returning to that box. It became rusted from the water, wind and burning sun rays. Everything from the past was in this box, things I promised to never return to. Now I stand in front of this box, not wanting to ever open it, but their voices whisper to unlock. Her voice doesn't whisper to me though, for she stands in front of me. She is beautiful in every way she moves and breaths. I can't stand the way she stares at me either, such happiness in her eyes, sorrow in her smile, the pain in her hands as she twiddles her two thumbs. Her lips may be moving, but I still can't hear that charming voice that always seemed to soothe me. I can only think of one thing to tell this girl, but the words just won't come out. It's become unbearable.

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