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The bar is filled with all types of faces, both sober and drunk. There aren't many foreigners around, including myself. As Japanese dance lyrics tune out the voices, I spot a familiar face in one of the booths near the back. Slowly I make my way through the sea of bodies to where he sits.

We haven't met in person yet. My supervisor gave me his photo to find him here, which is unusual since he's American. It's not really common for people who do our kind of work to just transfer somewhere else. Especially if it involves another county.

I sit down in the booth, where I am greeted by disgusted glares from the girls who are surrounding him.

"I enjoyed the ramen we had last night, we should go out for some more again." I shout out over the noise. This time he takes an interest in me, as he quickly tells the girls to leave in their language.

They all scurry away, making it obvious they aren't very happy. I move in closer to the man, but leave a respectful distance between us. This is business, not some speed date.

"You hair is a very nice brown," He tells me as he takes a lock into his fingers. "Though I think you should let your roots grow out. This color isn't very common, am I right Sakura?"

"I'd prefer that you use my real name instead of my code name."

"Why, it matches you to a tea!" He laughs out. I move over a little more. I try not to let my anger get the best of me.

"Where is your partner. We can't continue our meeting unless he's here." I say as I sit up more straight against the seat.

"He went to make a check around the place, make sure there aren't any unwanted guests." He sighs as he leans back.

"Can I ask you something."


"How is it that an American got transferred into the Japanese headquarters?" I inquire.

"Back home I wasn't getting as much work done as I wanted, and as of late the bond between our two countries grew quite strong. I asked to be transferred a few years ago and now here I am." He answers as he runs his fingers through his dark brown hair.

"On your file it said your name was Lucas Smith, but you now go by Naruto Uzumaki. Was it required for you to change your entire identity to work here?"

"It's easier if I get caught, but I doubt it'll ever happen."

"So you're saying you are good at what you do."

"Of course I am, and you must be too. I'm never paired up with people who can't catch up." He says with a wink.

"Well I guess I shouldn't be your partner anymore, since I'm so much more advanced then you." A low voice says from beside me.

To my right is a man with medium length black hair. His eyes are sharp and focused, his face almost expressionless. I remember seeing his photo from his own file, but he looks older from when it must have been taken.

"You must be Sasuke Uchiha." I say.

"Yes, but we must leave right now. We've been exposed, so we'll have to talk elsewhere. Do you think you can sneak past them, and meet us in Yoyogi Park?" I nod as we all shuffle out of the booth.

"What about you two?"

"Don't worry about us, we'll be fine." Naruto says with a smile, as I turn towards the front door where a group of people suddenly enter.

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