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I walk these lonely streets, everyone has gone to sleep in their warm beds. The cold of the late night summer pinches my cheeks. A slight breeze creeps through the buildings of this wholesome village, my home I've always known. Above the dark grey clouds begin to cover the sky, causing the streets to disappear into the shadows. I look above wishing I could see those twinkling stars, wondering if he can see them wherever he may be. I blow the air from my lungs up in, hoping that will be enough to clear the night. I want to see those stars in the sky, watch them shine along with you. The sheet of lights is never changing, but it always is when I'm not with you. The moon struggles to been seen, only to be covered by the darkness. It's been too long since I've last seen you, I miss your cocky smirk, your snide remarks, that little tick you have at the end of your sentences when you think you're right. I miss you so much it hurts, and the only thing that keeps me sane are those small lights above, the ones you were once so fond of. Do you still think of me? About what could have been, what would have been. Please don't forget about your home, your friends. Most of all, please don't forget about me. Tears stream down her face as one weak shining star emerges from the shadows, straining itself to be seen but never heard. She cries out into the motionless night,

"I miss you, please come home." Her sobs evaporate into the thin, cold air.

SasuSaku Month 2014Where stories live. Discover now