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The war was over, but he was injured enough to be admitted into the hospital. Kaguya was finally sealed away, her plan was foiled thanks to himself and Naruto. Of course there was everyone else, but only one other person was on his mind. She was taking care of him in the hospital, and brought him the same flowers everyday she came to tend to his wounds. As the setting sun fell through the open window, he read the book he was given to read from Sakura. Since there was a lot of time to waste, and no one who was really willing to visit the Uchiha, he resorted to reading something Sakura would only read. It was some romance novel about two lovers who fell in love at the wrong time, or something along those lines. It didn't really peek his interest, but if it was suggested by Sakura he would read it. The girl was his only weakness, and he didn't know how long he would be able to keep his feelings bottled up. Every time she walked into his room, he would forget about all of the things that happened before. The only thought was how her pink hair fell past her shoulders, as she hadn't cut it since the entire world saving battle began. How she would smile brightly as she walked through the door with a small vase of daffodils carefully caressed in her arms. He would only see Sakura and Naruto, but her visits were the only things he would look forward to. Closing the book, he gave up on reading as her face would always invade his mind. Looking out the window to the sun that was slowing disappearing, his gaze was directed to the daffodils that would be changed the next morning. Reaching into the drawer at his bedside, a pair of small scissors lay beside some bandages and medical tape. Taking the scissors into his hand, he snips off the head of one of the daffodils. Taking it into his care with the most gentlest of movements, he opens the book to a random page near the middle of it. Placing the daffodil onto one of the pages, he closed the book with ease. Putting it on the bedside table, he said aloud to himself,

"This'll be a keepsake, until I tell you the full truth."

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