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The fire crackles as the snow falls around the two, who are trying to keep warm from the unexpected cold. They only brought one tarp and two blankets, and they thought it would be best to have a mat on the ground.

"I'll take first watch, so sleep Sakura."

"It's fine. I don't think I'll be able to anyway, it's so cold." Sakura said with a shiver, as she engulfs herself in the blanket.

"You can use my blanket if you need to."

"Then what will you use?"

"I have enough layers to keep warm."

"But Sasuke-kun,"

"Sakura, you're the most important asset on this mission. I can't have you any weaker then you are right now." Sasuke fumed as he walked to Sakura, and wrapped his blanket around her.

"I'll only sleep for a few minutes." She said as she curled around the fire, and laid down on the tarp. Before she drifted off, she saw Sasuke sit down across from her, and stare off into the flames.

It seemed only a few moment to her, but she abruptly woke up to the same image she had left him before. This time his eyes were drowsier.

"How long did I sleep?" She yawned as she sat up to face him.

"An hour or so."He answered. Sakura shuffled herself beside him, still in a daze.

"You look cold, and tired."

"Sleep some more, you need it."

"Sasuke, you need to sleep too! I can't just hog all the warmth and rest from you."

"Then what do you suggest we do, Sakura." He muttered as he threw a twig into the fire. Sakura then opened her arms wide, opening the blanket towards him.

"We can share the blanket, and sleep on the tarp."

"Who will watch for enemies?"

"If there's anyone looking for us right now, they will have also taken shelter somewhere from this blistering cold. Maybe it's somewhere so good that they'll sleep till the next evening." She cheerfully said.

Sasuke had finally gave in, and took one side of the blanket around his left arm. The two enveloped into each, and silently watched the blazing fire. Eventually, they fell asleep in each others arms.

SasuSaku Month 2014Where stories live. Discover now