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The shinobi rules are placed upon those who strive to become ninja, and to be a ninja we must eliminate our emotions to survive this harsh world. This was easy, I've known how to do this ever since my youth. I had no weaknesses, there was no one who could faze me into falling out of this so called emotional fall. Even though encounters with my brother were pure vengeance and hate, there was still that bitter intent to kill. I don't enjoy piercing my blade through a living human beings flesh, but I'll do it whenever someone gets in my way with no hesitation what so ever. Right now I'm standing over this girl, who I've known since my younger years. We've known each other before we were old enough to enter the academy. I once thought of her as a dear friend, someone I could be real with, but I left that all behind when I left to avenge my family. At least that's what I would tell myself. The blade of my sword is held against his neck, her chin resting atop it. Crystallized tears fall from those mesmerizing green eyes, her lip quivers as she holds back shaking sobs. When I unsheathed the sword from it's hold, I thought I could slice the edge across her neck, putting her life to a quick end. Why won't my arm move any further? Why does she give me this face filled with pity and confusion, not a hint of fear even under this blade. Why am I shaking? Why does my heart beat faster then hers? What is this tight feeling inside of my chest? Why is this happening? Her small arm reaches behind the blade, she places her hand against my cheek like it belongs there.

"It's okay Sasuke, you don't have to hold it in anymore."

SasuSaku Month 2014Where stories live. Discover now