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The chatter of the television was the only noise in the quiet room. Sasuke sat on the couch, watching Sarada as she gazed at the screen. As multiple colors of cartoon characters whizzed by, and high pitched voices sand out of tune, Sakura walked in with a tray of food.

"Sarada, do you want some cookies and milk before you go to bed?" She asked as she placed them on the short table. Sarada quickly jumped up, and sat down on a seat cushion.

"Papa, do you want some too?" Sarada asked with a mouthful of food, and a crumbling cooking in her hand.

"You eat it Sarada." He said before their entire house went dark.

Sarada squealed in surprise, and frantically waved her arms searching for someone. Sakura wrapped her tightly in her arms, as Sasuke went to the emergency cabinet. He brought back a flashlight and tall candles.

"Sarada, watch what I'm about to do." He said as he made the hand signs for a fire jutsu. From his mouth a small flame shot out, and lit the candle a blaze. It flickered violently until it finally calmed itself.

"Can I try!" Sarada yelled out as she reached for another candle, and placed it in front of her.

"Sasuke-kun, I'm not so sure she should do this inside the house." Sakura said wearily as she pulled back Sarada from the table.

"It'll be fine Sakura. When I first started, all I could manage to get out was smoke." He said as he slowly showed Sarada the signs for the jutsu. Sakura sighed as she held Sarada up to eye sight with the candle.

"Can you show me them again papa." Sarada said as she fixed her glasses and smoothed her shirt.

"Listen closely. When you do this jutsu, you must bring the fire from the base of your stomach up and out of your mouth. Curl your first two fingers around your mouth to help pull it out. Focus on your target, and you'll do well." He said as Sarada practiced the hand signs.

"Whenever you're ready, go for it." Sakura said as she watched her daughter practice.

"Okay!" Sarada shouted out before she let the flame out. Instead of a small puff of smoke, or even a flame from a matchstick, a fireball came hurling towards Sasuke. He jumped out of the way before being singed by the fire. Sakura pulled Sarada back from the now burning table.

"Sasuke, everything's on fire!" Sakura yelled as she ran to the kitchen .

"I'm sorry papa, I just did what you told me to!" Sarada cried as she watched the living room slowly burn away. Sasuke patted her head as he too watched everything incinerate.

"It's fine Sarada. It's nothing we can't fix, but I'm not so sure about mama."

SasuSaku Month 2014Where stories live. Discover now