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Tears fell down her ivory pristine cheeks as the cool night air around them sent more shivers up their spines. Only a few seconds before, the man beside her told her words she did not want to hear.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you, I didn't mean to cause you any pain. Just please don't cry because of some stupid thing I said." His arm was wrapped around the girl as he attempted to pull her close, but she kept her safe distance on the infinite bench. The hiccups of her sobs began to calm as she regained the strength from within.

"I just don't want, to feel this type of pain ever again." She managed to let out, as she rubbed her eyes from anymore loose tears.

"Sakura, I'm not going to leave you ever again understand? I've finally returned home, I can finally be together with you." The silence between then lingered, but he dare not speak not wanting to upset the broken girl.

"But why here Sasuke, why bring me here to tell me something like this? Didn't it cross your mind that it would be cruel? The fact that you lead me this way in the first place made me nauseous." The two were sitting on the bench that they had stood by those many years ago, a place she tried to avoid as best she could not wanting to remember the pain that felt had happened only yesterday.

"I never thought of this place as an end, more as a silent beginning. Somewhere I could return with you without having to feel uncomfortable." He tried to pull her close once again, only failing as she moved over slightly on the bench.

"I just have this phobia that I'll get my heart broken again, and I next time the pain won't be bearable. This phobia keeps me from being with you, even thinking about you sends blisters into my heart. I don't want to feel pain like that ever again. This is all just to cruel, everything seems to soon." He sighed as he brought his arm back to his side, putting his fists into balls as he stuffed them in his oversized pockets. Her shoulders relaxed, but she still yearned for his delicate touch.

"This time is different and you know that as well. I won't be leaving you this time, nor will I let anything happen to you, ever. I don't know how long it will take to get through that thick skull of yours, but my new dream is you Sakura." The slight red fell across his face as he quickly darted his eyes away, directing his gaze to a tree in the distance not wanting her to see his weakened state. "So I guess I'll just have to say it again. I'm in love with you, Haruno Sakura."


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