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The streets were filled with people of all ages and sizes, their buzzing chatter could be heard a mile away. The bright moonlight shone down on the festival below. All types of colourful lights streaked the booths and buildings, children running through the crowds with joy with lit up sparklers. The girls were dressed up in all types of different patterns, the boys, well they tried their best. One young girl in particular stood just outside of the food vendor area waiting for her date, her stomach rumbling from the delicious smells from behind her. The yukata she choose to wear was very simple. The base colour was a bold navy blue, with light pink cherry blossom prints that seemed to be placed there randomly. Around her waist was a big red sash, that dangled almost to get knees. Her hair was much shorter since she last wore a yukata, so the pretty hair pieces she'd always use couldn't stay in without falling out. As she waited she played with the small decorative bag that had some money, and her favourite lip gloss. Looking up once in awhile to see the new faces heading her way, someone she didn't know came up beside her, standing a little closer then she'd like him to.

"Hi." The stranger with dark brown hair said as he stood beside her, using his free arm to lean against the wall she stood by.

"Hi." She quickly said as she shrunk into the cement, trying to avoid eye contact.

"You alone?" He asked leaning in closer to the girl.

"I'm waiting for someone believe it or not." She muttered with the roll of her green eyes.

"Nice necklace." The boy said as he flicked the pink cherry blossom charm on her neck.


"Where'd you get it?"

"Does it really matter where I got?"

"Yeah it does, looks kind of expensive. Look I know who you are, you're the fourth hokage's only daughter. The villages number one princess, anyone will do anything for you. Maybe you should, do something for the people once in awhile. How bout you follow me and we can do some business." He hissed with a devilish smirk, as he picked as the fabric of her yukata. With a flick of her wrist she slapped his hand, though he kept coming back.

"Hey buzz off or-"

"Hey idiot, with the muddy brown hair!" Snapping her head, she saw the one she'd been waiting for half the evening.

"Who the hell you think you're talking to!" The brown haired boy clicked back.

"I should be asking you that, shit head!" Sasuke was now standing in front of the two, his usual cocky smirk and all.

"Hey, just cause you're another Uchiha scum doesn't mean I have to answer to you." The young play boy closed his eyes as he kept his fists in his pockets, his eyebrow giving off an irritated twitch.

"Uchiha scum, huh?" Before Sasuke could say anything else, Sakura's battle cry could be heard from blocks away, along with the sound of her fist to the strangers face that sent him flying across the road.

"I've had it with you! If you really want to take care of those untamed guy hormones, then I propose you beat off in your damn bathroom! And if you ever make fun of my parents, friends, boyfriend or me again I'll send you to the moon!" She said with her fist in the air shaking towards the fallen boy.

"You team seven bunch are a bowl of freaking freaks!" He said as he got up retreating through the streets. The crowd of people who stopped to look all shrugged their shoulders, returning to what they were doing before.

"That's my girl." Sasuke whispered under his breath, only meaning to have Sakura hear what he meant.

"Whatever, let's go." Sakura began to walk along the vendors, with Sasuke at her side, stopping at almost every booth for a dish of whatever they had.

"So, boyfriend huh?" Sasuke enthused as he shared a plate of yakisoba with her.

"I-it just came out!"

"Anger emits the truth, didn't you know Sa-ku-ra chan?"

"Can it or I'll send you farther then that asshole back there."

"Scary thing is, that you aren't kidding."

"Hmph." She huffed as she slithered away with the plate of warm food.

"Hey come back! Were supposed to share, come on were lovers!" Sasuke shouted aloud as he slowly chased after the girl with noticeably pink hair.

"Shut the hell up!"

(Tried to make this as the RTN theme. Hope you liked it! It was actually pretty fun to write then how I would normally portray them ^^ )

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