Break - Kesshō-Tale, II

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- | "Did you enjoy your 'Treat', Servant~?" | - Nightmare asked to Cross, looking down at him while he was kneeling down before him. He got a vigorous nod in return, chuckling deeply, as he gently ordered for him to stand. When the order was obeyed, he pulled Cross close by his hips with one of his tentacles, wrapping it around his waist, earning a shiver in return of this gesture. - | "Once we leave from here, I will be sure to.. -- Nightmare grasped Cross's 'area' firmly, earning a gasp in the mix of a moan. He licked his lips from the grip that he gave to his jacket, pulling  his head close to whisper deeply into his nonexistent ear  -- ..Give This 'Shlong' Of Yours A Good Milking~" | - Nightmare said, slipping his hand into Cross' shorts and stroking his 'Shlong' slowly with a firm grip. 
"B-boss~ P-plea- m-Mmh~" Cross was about to beg, but was stopped when a tentacle wrapped around his mouth softly, shutting him up politely. - | "I know~ But please~ Save that begging when this @$$ is giving you a good Bounce~ Understood~?" | - Nightmare asked, his eye glowing a soft blue to insinuate his dominance. Cross nodded very quickly, wanting to be as obedient as possible to get his 'Punishment'. 


In the mean time, after this, Everyone began to have good time. Nightmare and Cross were sitting on and laying back on a couple of chairs. Cross was keeping his eyes on Nightmare, being shirtless and needy for his Boss. Nightmare on the other hand was drinking a smoothie while having shades on, being under an umbrella while his tentacles rested softly on the sand below, giving Cross the cold-caring shoulder. He was looking at him, but Cross didn't know that, hehe.

To give insight on what this new Au was.

| - This Au in particular was one that seemed like it came out of a fantasy movie, or anime to be more precise. There was nothing in it besides a massive body of ocean, that went on for miles. It was so clear, so clean, so colorful and so sparkly could see the bottom of the ocean if you were to swim out to s certain distance. It was like the Deep Blue Sea- was the Crystal Clear Sea.
Nightmare specified that this AU was called 'Kessh
ō-Tale'. He tried to go into the code to try and figure out what the actual name of it was but, he turned up with no luck.

Horror, Dust, Error and Killer were in the water, swimming around, floating around or even standing around. This water was something that had a specific feature about it that made it..really cool. While the four of them stayed in the water, as it was at body temperature, it would actually show the color of one's soul. 

Dust's was Purple, Horror's was Red, Error's was Blue with a soft undertone of Yellow, and Killer's was..rather odd. The water around him would change from Red, to White, to Black and then a very Light Blue. It was very odd and very peculiar but, it was cool to the other three. 

But..there was one view that was better, and much cooler to see..

Horror looked behind him to see that Dust was standing in the water, his back turned toward him of course. From the sight that he was getting at the moment, he blushed quite deeply, being able to see every curve of Dust's body under his bandages, as they basically so tight that they were matted to him now. His eye looked up and down Dust's body slowly, seeing how his body produced a soft after glow in the water below him, but also watching how the water swayed around him. Every Aspect that Horror saw of or saw around Dust he..for some reason liked- Not just 'liked', but Like-Liked. Like..he could look at everything, examine everything and touch everything about Dust and not get bored or get tired of it. His mind was currently racing now, his face becoming a cherry red, looking down at the water for a moment to calm himself down a little.

"Ugh~ These guys need to come off now. The water is making you tighter against me"
Dust said, his groan being with the mix of a groan-like-moan-exhale, untying the bandages at his waist that were at the center point of his middle back. Horror looked back up to see him untie himself, feeling like a pervert now.

Dust could feel his gaze on him, feeling the intensity that was burning over his whole body. While looking up at the sky, he gave a low grimace..which slowly turned into a low smirk, having a thought in that next moment. 
'Since you enjoy staring so much..lets see how you deal with this, hm?'
Dust thought, smirking more, turning his head to look at Horror out of the corner of his eye. Horror saw this, blushing more as he was about to look away again, but his eyes were gestured down to Dust's lower back from thy eyes who smirked more, beginning to untie the bandages.

Dust did so slowly though, wanting sure to be as slow as possible to Tease as much as possible. He then began to unravel himself from the bandages his breathing becoming slow and hitched from feeling them un-tighten, unwrap and let-loose of his body, the feeling ever so pleasing to him. His eyes closed as he looked up-ahead again, letting the wrappings unwrap on their own from the weight of their soak-age, as they fell to the water below him.
Horror couldn't help but watch. Watching as the rest of the Perfection was happening.
Dust then let out a long and awaited sigh, stretching his arms upwards to allow the rest of his ecto-body to get its dose of..Pure Relief~. Looking back to Horror again, he saw that he was starting to drool, his eye continuing to trail what seemed to be the perfect indention of where and how deep the spine is and should be. Smirking a little more from seeing this, he leaned from side. . .to side. . .slowly to add to the puncture of his Teasing. Horror was starting to growl a this point, his own ecto-body starting to glow a little brighter- he was starting to get 'Excited'. 
Dust then untied and unwrapped his head, finally able to see out of both eyes after a little bit. His overjoy-ment was so indescribable that..he couldn't help but smile a little more. He could F e e l the breeze going through him by this point- every wound that he had sustained/given to himself had vanished for some reason, as they had healed. The reason was quite..unexplain-able but..Dust had a hunch as to how.

Besides this though..Dust turned his body all the way to look at Horror..who's eyes widened greatly to this.

He saw that his body was quite Ripped. His Abs were greatly defined, his Biceps to go unmatched by anyone else, and his Chest..oh boy his chest- and the..t-the..

Horror had a nosebleed in that moment of looking, he could've swore that his Soul had stopped breathing completely. Dust simply chuckled softly, going to the pervert and resting a finger on the corner of his lips, rubbing the saliva that trailed down. Dust proceeded to bring his thumb up to his lips and lick. "Sweet~" he said, looking directly into Horror's eyes. He couldn't say anything, but he was trying his best to stop his tongue from hanging- only to then jolt in pleasure at a particular action that..he didn't see coming. 
Dust had used his other hand to go into the water and cup the underside of Horror's 'area', feeling him jolt. He then rubbed up from under and gave it a grip from the top-side , feeling his 'area' throb harshly, earning a moan in response to this. His hand  then rubbed up along the body of Horror, rubbing over his tummy. .over his chest. .just to then rub to the back if Horror's neck and pull him close with a gentle grasp, now being face-to-face with him. Horror was a cherry tomato, huffing heavily already, Dust blushing softly with a smirk. 
In the middle of all of this though, Dust was licking and sucking his thumb in a very lewd way, being sure that his own saliva was trailing down his thumb, hand and now wrists. Being sure that he had done the work on his thumb, he pulled it out from the middle of is lips and rubbed it against Horror's lips, Being Sure that he coasted his thumb enough to make a trail go down and mix with Horror's. It did.

"I can do this all day, Pervert, hehe~" Dust said with tease in his voice, letting go of Horror and making his way back to the shore.

Horror..he uh..he was out of commission at the moment, h-hehe

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