Part 26

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It was the day. The day I let her go. We spent all day yesterday organising and setting up everything beautiful an white, I wanted her funeral to be happy, not looking back at her past as sadness.

I stood in front of the mirror and straightened up my black tie. I fiddled with my collar nervously and jumped slightly as I herd a knock on the door.

Mum walked in wearing a black long dress with her hair up. She hugged me and I kissed her cheek.

" it's okay I'm okay " I said and she nodded. I walked out of the room to see all the boys including dan and skip. Beau hugged me an all the boys joined in .

In appropriately dan shouted "
Guys it's a funeral orgy " witch made me laugh. I rubbed my face and walked down stairs next to beau who was already tearing up. I rubbed his shoulder as reassurance and he smiled.

People had already stared arriving. Nash and cam were here wearing suits like us with mahogany who was wearing a tight black dress. They hugged me and I sat them at the front of the seats. The chairs were white and in the middle of the grass was a white clay like bottle witch had her in it.

I sat next to mahogany who took my hand a squashed it. I smiled at her and as smiled back. 3 of her old friends I never met walked in and I went over to them. One was crying and the others reassuring her.

" hey I'm Rachel's boyfriend well um"

"Yer she told us a lot about you " the shorter one said and I nodded . We chatted for a bit and I sat back down. By this time o2l had arrive and were sitting in the other side if the walk way in the middle. They all said how sorry they were and how sorry they were of out loss

" thanks " I said and lent back in my chair. The funeral started and I tyres to listen but it was hard hearing the memory's from her mum an dad and the kind words of the preast even tho he had never met her

" and now some words from Rachel's loving boy friend " the man said and I stood up an un folded the paper and stood in the middle of the wooden stage.

" I would like to begin by thanking you all for coming it really mean a lot to me" I said and shuffled a bit before taking a deep breath and starting. " I have known Rachel pretty much her whole life. She has helped me though the hardest times like when I had depression thinking I wanted to die I wanted my life to end and how quickly I could have done it. At least I had the choice of my life but hers was taken to soon, Rachel was there to show me that if you try days get brighter" I swallowed and then carried on. I felt tears burn in the back of my eyes and I whipped away a drop witch escaped from them.
" she was to young to be taken from us, to kind, to warm hearted. People say that she was a ignorant selfish girl but I don't know how people could see her like that. " I sent a look at her parents who hunched in there seats . " I saw her as a beautiful girl who brought light to me and my family an to people she met. " I took a deep breath to calm me self"
There were not enought days with her. I wanted to grow old with her, start a family if she wanted to.I was happy for the number of days, the number if days that we had together even if they were cut short. " I looked up to see beau crying as well as a couple of people. I flipped over my paper to carry on. " she had a bucket list witch we tried to Complete. We managed to go surfing and buy her a puppy, and one if hers was to make more friends as she felt like she only had us. But she was afraid that she would hurt you guys. She said she was a bomb ready to burst and she wanted to cut short the casualtys. But if she had not have met you this room would be a lot more empty. I wish she could see how much she has impacted in your lives and how many people had show up today.I took a deep breath and whipped me tears and sniffed before I carried on. It was hard to talk but I forced me self. " the last one on her bucket lost was to beat cancer" I had to stop for a minuet to compose my self before I choked in my own tears. " witch she sadly could not complete, but she kept on promising me that she would fight, for me for her family. But here fight was not enough. On her last day I sat with her and said. If your done with the fighting let go, you can brake your promise I won't mind.promises aren't meant to hurt you" I whipped my face and went in to the next page. " it hurts for me to think of what we were, it hurts to know she has gone , but the worst pain is knowing I won't ever see her again, I will never beable to kiss or hold her as I did. But I was lucky to hold an angle the most beautiful one of them all. But I guess angles are to pure and beautiful for this world and I could not protect her. She belonged with her kind, and that's why she was taken so soon from all if us. She was to go for me. For all of us she desired better, someone who could give here everything, Becouse she deserved everything she desired the world. But it is not a wish granting factory, life is cruel, and it always happens to the people you love the most.

Me and my brothers would fight over who was going to save the damsel when we were young but I never thought you would atually be mine. I love you rachie I love you so much and I swear I will never ever forget you how could I and thank you for showing me how happy i could be and making me see the light though the darkness " I folded up my paper and sniffed . " I will never forget her and in sure you won't as well, umm well thanks for listening " I said and started to walk back to my seat and I did not hold back the tears anymore I let them roll down my face an hot the floor. Suddenly Rachel's mum stood up and started clapping. So did mahogany then Nash then jc then her dad then my mum and the boys. I stood there and ripped my tears and sat down. Mahogany put her arm around me and her face close to my ear " that was beauiful " she says and I forced a smiled. It was not beautiful it was the truth.


Did it make you cry? Like give me feed back I want to know what I can improve on or wht you liked it would be much appreciated xoxo

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