part 20

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it had been a week of injections and pain in my lungs. i wanted this to end. i was told my lungs would never be able to work on there own so i would be breathing in plastic are the for the rest of my life. luke said he did not mind but i could tell that he was finding this hard.

“I'm sorry “i said as he played with  my hair

“why”he said sounding puzzled

“because i have cancer and I'm not normal”

“hey if you were normal we might have not even be friends and i know you can get though this” i wanted to believe that to, i really did. but as the medication be came more and more and i had more and more operations i knew i could not make it any more.

“rachel great news you can have a lung cancer removal “the doctor said with a smile. how can he smile.

“great”luke said as he squeezed my hand ”when can she have it”

“well it might take a couple of weeks but she will have one”he said smiling again.

“no she needs it now you cant just let her sit here dying”

trust me were trying”he said and luke sat back in his chair.

“what if I'm to weak, doc i don't thing i can go throw this i don't think i can make it”i said and luke stood up

“no rachie why do you say that you always say that i am not going to let you die okay i cant live with out you i just” he put his hand though his hair in frustration and sat back down on his seat.

“you know rachis had a point, if she thinks she cant make it she might not have the”

“she will have the oppression doc she is not leaving me”he said and took my hand and i stood up and wheeled my oxygen cart out of the room. i was crying lots.

“Luke do you think i want to live like this”i said and stopped walking

“like what”he said and i whipped the tears from my face.

“like a dying girl who will never be able to run, never be able to ride a bike swim again, do you think i want a life like that, to have oppressions everyday and not get better after them. maybe i should just let nature take its call and just die, its not a bad thing”

“i need you rachis if you die i die in side, please just have the operation

“i can't promise anything but can we talk about this later I'm so tired.

 i had a room to my self now and luke lay in my bed with me playing my my hair and singing to me.

“rachie”he said in a loud whisper

“yer i said quietly

“will you marry me” my eyes flung open and i stared at him and he looked down at me. “for real like will you”he said and i smiled

“ yes of course”i said and kissed him. 

sorry it was a short one if i could get one like before i end the story that would be great


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