part 8

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i could hear beeping and suddenly my eyes slowly opened and my lungs started to breath normally. i had an oxygen mask on my face witch was uncomfortable.i went to take it off but as soon as i did i found it hard to breath and had to put it back on. i was in a white room with bright lights and i felt so long have i been here? where am i ? wheres my family?.all thees questions ran though my mind.i felt pain in my stomach but my head ache had gone. my head was sore but it did not feel like a head ache.

i turned my head to to the left and there was a drip that went in my arm and a different wire that went to a machine that had my heart beet on it. turned my head to the right and saw a boy in a hospital i was in a hospital.he had brown hair and a lip pricing and , wait that's Luke why is he here . i stat up witch sent pain to my stomach and looked at him.he was asleep and had a drip as well.

"Luke Luke LUKE "i started shouting and a lady ran in a lay me back down.

"why is he asleep why is he here why an i here"i started firing questions at her and she tried to calm me down.

'calm down miss Rachel please, i will explain everything but you need to rest"

"no"i spat at her "i want to know now why is he here is he okay"i said and i had tears in my eyes.she sat down on my bed and took my hand

"he will be fine. you collapsed because there was pressure in the brain, it was probably because you might have forgotten to take a pill a couple of days ago" i felt guilt because i had ." that's why your head might hurt because we had to release the pressure. when you got here you were not in good shape.your kidney had failed so we needed to get you a new one straight away so that is why your boyfriend is sitting in a hospital bed, your operation went very well and they did it in about 3 hours. you will be fine but it will take a while for you to recover but you will need to come and have check ups just to check there is no cancer left but you should be fine."she said and i turned to Luke

"when will he wake up"i said sounding like a child

"very soon"she said and stood up and left the room. i looked to the side and there was a card and pictures from the party. there was a card from my mum, kian jc and all there other Friends. there was a card from Hayes Cameron and Nash with a picture if us in the photo machine and on the back it said

"we all love you and know you will get though this and long life to Rachel xoxoxoxoxox" i felt tears in the back of my eyes as i read it. i looked at the picture for a while and then put them down.Luke chest started moving up and down more as he regained conciseness and he started breathing normally.

"Luke"i said dad he turned to me

"hey baby, your okay"he said and i smiled.he sounded sleepy and we just looked at each other for a while.Luke stayed there for the next day and he was aloud to go home but not do ant excesses or any crazy challenges.the boys visited me alot mostly luke jai and beau.mum came with dad and matt and she could not stop crying.

"mum why were you crying before my party"i said and h=she sat on my bed.

"that was when we were told you were, you were critical but is okay now because your fine."she said and started crying again.after 2 weeks i started feeling less week and started eating more witch was good.i had to have a machine that helped my breath instead of a mask witch was nice. it has tubes that went in my nose and then the tubing went behind my ears and down to a tube of oxygen.this was short term because my lungs were fine they were just a bit weak after the operation. i still had to take pills and have had so many injection i cant even count how many there have been. i had been 4 weeks since my operation and i had to go in to scans witch said i was clear of cancer for now.

today the doctor was going to tell me how much longer i have to be in hospital for and i could feel my hands shacking.i did not want to be in here any longer. it made me feel sick just living in here and i have started getting bored of the white room. i missed the sun set and the fresh air. he sat down next to me and talked about my kidney and how its working well with the rest of my body.

"Rachel i am glad to confirm that you will be leaving hospital in 2 days time but you will have to come in for test almost every week and will need lots of pills and will have to wear the oxygen tube for a week and then at night for 2 more but apart from that you are on the road to a very good recovery."he went to get up to leave but then turned back to me.

"your boyfriend must love you very much, he was particle begging me to take his kidney from him"he said and then walked out of the room. i slept for most of the day and mum came in the next day bright and early.she brought me clothes for the next day and my phone.she still looked worried about me even though i was fine but it was probably because of the tube going in to my face.

"mum stop staring at it"i said sounding pissed off.

"im sorry um ill come and pick you up tomorrow. "she said and left. i know she was trying to be loving but she a pain in the bum. i sat up in bed and the doctor came in and had a chat about me .tomorrow he said he would give me a wheel chair just in case i need it and a pack pack for me to put my oxygen tube in. he also was dropping off more oxygen tubes and tort me how to change them over.when he left i unhooked the oxygen tube from my nose and ears and breathed in the real air, not the fake stuff. after about five minuets it became a bit harder to breath but it was because my lungs were week.i put back in the tubing and drifted off to sleep.

" I'm her boyfriend you need to let me in,"

"I'm sorry sir but she id resting"a lady said as i opened my eyes. Luke pushed past her and sat next to me.

"hey baby "he said and kissed me. he looked at the tubing going in to my nose and then back in to my eyes.

"its only for a week"i said and he smiled

"no it soot's you"he said and moved a peace of hair out of my face.the lady left the room looking annoyed and Luke put his middle finger up at her as she shut the door. i moved along the bed and Luke lay next to me.he put his arm under my head and we lay there looking in to each others eyes.i moved closer to him and he rapped both arms around me and made me feel safe.

"i love you "he said and kissed my head.

"i love you more"i said and he looked at me confused

"not passable " he said and i laughed.we stayed like that until a man came in and told him to leave witch Luke was not happy about and he kept sitting back down on the bed to annoy the man.he kissed me and left. he kept waving though the glass window and then i could not see him anymore.i lay back down and stared at the ceiling excited to be going home to see everything i have missed so much.

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