part 12

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beau cofted as he pushed the air bag out of his face. i ran over to the car and shook beau and his eyes opened.

"rachel the gang will come"he said and i ignored him and ran to the other side of the carand luke was they

"luke luke i shouted and shock him but his eyes did not open. i pull my fingers to his throat and could feel his puls.i breather a sigh of reles and beau stumbled out of the car. he ran around and took lukes face in his hand. i felt tears in the back of my eyes and i strarted to cry. i have never cryed this much but i have never loved someone thins much.

"luke LUKE LUKE"Beau shouted and i pulled him away from the car tears bloking my vision. i called 999 and asked for a abulence and police becouse of the gang. luke was still breathing and he had cut his face and so had beau becouse of the smash glass.

"beau what do we do do we take him out of the car"i asked starting to panic and i whipped the tears from my eyes

"no leave him the doctor will know what to do"he said and hugged me. i herd the sirence and beau ran in to the road and started screaming

"here were here" the amblulence stopped and instantly people ran over to the car. Two men ran over to beau and checked him over. Beau was not effected by the crash as much as Luke was. Beau had a plaster put in a cut on his eye lid and anti septic whips over he ready if the cuts.i got pushed away by a tall man and beau hugged me making sure i could not see luke as they pulled him out of the car.they pulled him in to the amblulence and i went to get in with him when a man stood in front of me.

"no sorry this is to sericus there is no point in you coming he will go starght to surary"and the man slambed the door and the amblulence started driving away.i could feel my body shaking and i froze on the spot as i watched the ambulence drive away. i felt arms around me and it was beau. i felt tears fall down my cheeks

"you pricks he is my boyfriend and you wont let me go to hopsital with him"i shouted in the direction that the amblulence went in.and beau pulled me back in to a hug. I herd shouting to see jai running towards up and stopped when he saw the car crash. I ran over to him an hugged him. I felt my shoulder become wet with tears and sobs from jai filled my ears.

" it's okay he has gone to the hospital" I said and he kept crying. I took jais hand and walked him toward his mums house

" jai why we're Luke and beau in the car but not you" I said and jai stared at the ground.

" the the gang, t-they wanted to beat me up and and Luke and jai w-were going to drive around and surprise than when they hit the " he burst in to tears again and I dragged him to there mums house. We were all crying now.

" where's Luke" she said and I felt my stomach drop

" the ambulance took him they said we could not get in it with him because he would have to go straight to surgery" beau said and his mum lent in the table for support and tears stared rolling down her face. I walked over to her and hugged her and the two other boys joined in

" I need to go to the hospital you all stay here and keep each other safe and I'll call you as soon as I see him" she left the house and I could not believe this had happened. Just as my life was looking up this had to happen, and why to Luke, why to my world. I love him more than life it's self and now he is in a hospital bed fighting for his life.

I still could not get over the fact that he is not here now with us.

I walked across the room and flicked the switch in the kettle and jai ran up stairs. I walked in to the living room where beau was and sat next to him. I put my head in his shoulder and he rapped his arms around me.

" he loves you more than anything" beau said which made me start to cry again. We stayed like that until I herd smashing and banging from up stairs

" jai " me and beau said an the same time and I ran off the sofa and up the stairs.i ran in to the twons room to see jai throwing jumpers and pictures across the room a the wall.

"no jai stop" beau said and grabbed him. jai cryed in to his shoulder and i walked more in to the room and picked up one of lukes jumpers. i held it close to me and smelt it. it stank of him and it made more tears form in my eyes. beau took jai out of the room and i followed them and put on lukes jumper as we walked down stairs. beau made a cup of tea for me and we sat on the sofa and stayed there all night.

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