Part 25

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I talked with the whole family about her funnel. We all put are ideas together and I was pretty proud of the result.

"I think she would like loads of people to come" said jai. I looked at him confused she would hate that everyone fussing over her

" no jai only close friends she would hate people that mean nothing to her to come" I said and jai tapped his pen on the table. We have promised not to fight for Rachel.

" okay I was thinking all of us her family and Nash, cam all that lot and o2l we will contact her old school to find her old friends and stuff " beau nodded and we spent the whole day calling people.

"Okay we will have it here" jai said and we all agreed

"And make it like her birthdays was with the lights in the tress it was a beauiful " my mum said .

" I want it to be perfect " I said and mum rubbed my shoulder

"I know you do honey " she said and kissed me. I unlocked my phone and saw the picture of me and her. I have been deciding if I should change it from a while now but I just did not want her to fade away. Did not want her to really be gone.

The next day we started setting up. People all did the I'm sorry for your loss crap. It's Becouse you never know what to say really when someone dies. The funeral is in two days witch is just enough time to get everything sorted .

"Honey have you thought about your speech" mum said and placed her head on my shoulder.

" no I , I have not " I said and rolled my hands around my plate.

" she would want you to say something, it does not have to be long just meaning full to you " she says and I nodded and stood up from the table.

" night mum " I says and kissed her cheek. I went to my desks and stared at a blank price of paper.

I tried to wright but every word felt wrong or cheesy. I started again about 12 times until I got it wright. It had taken me about 2 hours to wright the first word and bit now it was late. I curled in to me bed and hugged my Dover.

I stared at the celing for hours just thinking about nothing . It hurts to think about her so I try not to but it's hard. It fell like my heart is trying to burst out of my cheats. I would give anything to see her again.

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