part 11

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it had been a week and i had the tube off and only wore it at night. i had the drip back becouse the kidney need to be fed becouse i was not eatting was only at night but that ment more injections. the doctor said it was just becouse its a new kidney and it needs to start working with the rest of my body.luke came over after dinner witch ment i was wired up to everything. he sat on my bed with me and  fiddled with my hair and we just sat there looking into eachothers eyes

"rachel i dont like seeing you like this with th edrips and the tubes but i know it will make you better"he said and i put my head on his cheast. i felt tears burn in the back of my eyes.

"luke im sorry"i sai dandhe put his arms around me.

"why are you sorry "he said and craddled me in his arms

"im sorry that you cant just have a normal girlfriend with out a life limiting illness, i just dont wont to hurt you if i, if i"

"your not going to die"he said and kissed me. i kissed him back and he lay me on the bed and hovered over me. he started kissing my neck and went down to my collor bone. i propped my self up on my elbows and kissed him again. i hurd the door open and luke rolled off me and matt stood there

"um sorry um luke you need to go"matt said standing awkawrdly at us

"matt were in the middle of something"i said and he shut the door. i started kissing him again but he stood up off the bed.

"i have to go baby i love you "he sai dand kissed me. i lay looking at the celling. i had butterflys in my stouach everytime i though of him.i woke up and took the drip off me. it hurt more than normal but i ignored it. i took off the air tube and turned all the machines off. i got dressed in to shorts and a gray crop to from top shop. i put on eye liner and did small flicks and put masacar on and mad emy lashes tall. i put the top bit of my hair up messaly and kept my side fringe out. i put on gray high risers and walked down stairs. i had to start eatting normally so i had a beacon sandwitch which made me feel slightly sick. i put lettce on the lead (alfie the dog) and started walking to lukes house. 

i saw him and beau running towards me. the dog started going crazy and ran at them i let go of the lead befor ehe could pull me over. luke did not look at me and he did not  slow down when he got to me. 

"luke i shouted as i grabbed his arm before he could run past me. that sent a sharft of pain in to my arm and i had no idea why. 

"rachel i need to help jai i love you"he said and kisse dmy head and jumped in the car in the back with beau in the frout driving. i wa so confused. i grabbed the dogs lead and walked to the mums house

"whats happened to jai"i asked her and she put her arms around me

"he has got him self in to a fight he will not win" she said and i felt tears in the back of my eyes

"um can you look after the dog pleaes"i said and she nodded and took th edog lead. i was not alowed to run so i speed walked to wards the house. i grabbed matts car keys and got in his car. i knew were they were the school gates, that were all the fight s happened. i slowly drove down the road as i do not have a licence.i got in the car and shoved the keys in and the enngyen started. i pulled out of the drive way as matt ran out of the car

"what the fuck are you doing "he shouted and i looked at him and drove down the road. my phone stared going off and it was matt calling me. i ignored it and speed towards the school

i went around the corner as a car spend in front of me and crashed in the the side of the road. i swerved out of the way and stopped the car in the middle of the road. i jumped out. it was a blue car with two people in it .i ran over and my body froze when i saw who the to boys were in the front

luke and beau

sorry it was so short but it will get intresting what will happen to beau and luke.

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