part 22

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lukes pov

i woke up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. i looked to the side thinking i would see Rachel there but it was just a empty sheet. i sat up and swung my legs off the side of the bed and walked over to my closet i put on jeans a jumper and a beanie and walked in to the bathroom and did my hair. i herd a knock at the door and i opened it to jai.

"are you ready to go see Rachel"i nodded and put my hands in my pockets and followed him out of the room.I walked down stairs and jumped in the car.I was till shaky around cars after the accordant so I sat in the back. It was a 20 minuet drive to the hospital and a nurse showed us to her room. she was sleeping and as i walked closer she was as white as a sheet. the colour had completely gone from her face and she was breathing heavily. wires were coming out of her keeping her alive and i felt so bad, i had never seen her like looked like the life had been sucked out of her.

i sat down next to her and took her hand. her eyes started to flicker until there were fully open and were staring at me.

"how long have you been here"

"only a couple of minuets"i said and she moved and her face scrowed up in pain

"are you okay should i do something"i said and she shocker her head

" don't worry I'm getting used to it" she said and i felt a tear roll down my cheek. how could i let her get like this, she was slowly dying and i did not want to see her in pain.the doctor walked in and i let go of rachels hand and walked over to him

"sir i would like rachel to make the desition of the operation not me its her life and she is in pain and its her body so  it's her desitions. the doctor looked surprised and walked over to the bed.i sat back next to rachel and rachel sat up and looked confused and i sat the other side of her

"i dont want to force you in to anything is your life" she smiled and kissed me.

"i dont know what to do, i dont want to die on a opperation table"she said and i knodded in agreement.

"well then you cant have the opperation"the doctoer said and stood up. i felt tears build in the back of my eyes and i knew i would lose her now.

"rachie im sorry in so sorry that i tryed to force you in to this i just did not want to lose you okay i wa scared, but now i see that you are in pain and i was just blocking that from my mind becouse i wanted you to get better but i just love you and i "i completely broke down and cryed and cryed.rachel sat up and rapped her arms around me.her embrace calmed me but her skin was cold like snow

"its okay to be sceard, just know i love you"rachie was crying now "will it hurt"she said and put my forhead on hers

"i will make sure it doesnt i promise"she knodded and i kissed her. i put all my love and pation in to that kiss until it was all drained out of me. she lay back down and she was ill, i could see that now, her eyes were red and her skin pale, i hated seing her like this.

"okay time to go"the doctor said. and i watched a tear roll down rachies face. i kissed her head and put my face to hers.

"stay strong for me okay"

"okay she said in a weak voice and "i love you"

"love you too" i said and left the room, i had no idea that that would be the last time i saw her.

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