part 14

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it had been 3 weeks and luke could come home finally. he got dropped of at 7 and was tired.

"hey rachie"he said and hopped in to the living room"i kissed him and he put up his hood "im going to bed"he said and ihelped him up stairs and helped him in to bed. i lay next to him and he played with my hair. he started singing show you by shawn mendes and i slowly drifted off to was so nice to have him back in my life.

i woke up as i hurd a thud and i looked to the side and luke was not in bed. i looked to the other side of the bed and his wheel chair had gone. i though the covers off me and ran out of the room to see luke on the  floor his wheel chair on its side with the wheels sping. 

"LUKE" i shouted and i sat him up

"im fine"he snapped back and pulled him self in to the chair that took him down the stairs. at the bottom of the stairs he pulled him self back in to the wheel chair and wheeled himself in to the kitchen. i ran down the stairs after him and he had put on the kettle and was reaching for a cup out of the cuboard.

"let me get it for you"i said as i reached for the cup. he pushed my hand out of the way and i stepped back in shock

" I CAN DO THINGS MY SELF IN NOT A BABY" he shouted at me and i felt anger bubble up in side me.

"i was just trying to help " i said back

" IM NOT A CHILD RACHIE I THINK I CAN MAKE A CUP OF TEA"He shouted back and i felt tears burn in the back of my eyes. he had never shouted at me before.

" luke your in a wheel chair and i was just trying to help" i said and he just stared at me.

"sorry i just am so annoyed and fustrated that im in this thing im sorry im just annoyed"he said and scratched the back of his head.

"there was no need to shout at me about it luke just could of told me you wanted to use the cruches."i said and neelt infront of him. he took my hands and kissed them. i walked out of the room and grabbed the crutches and took him in to the living room so he could test them out.he started basicually sprinting with them across the room. 

"slow down you will kill your self lukie"his mum said as she walked though the room in to the kitchen.i laughed at him as he sat down and gleared at her.

" so lets go out so you ca test out the crutches"i said and he smiled. i grabbed my leather jacket and put mu phone in my pocket. luke put on a jacket and a beenie and we walked well he hopped out of the house and in to the car. i could drive but im pretty bad so i took it slow along the roads till we got to the mall and we got out the car. luke hopped out of the car and started hopping toward s the mall. we walked to gether towards primark (clouths store) and i made luke go around the dress section and help me pick out more dresses and shoes. i could tell he was geting a bit bored so we went to the mens section and he got some mens black jeans with ripps in the nees to hoodies and a top that said nike on it. i tryed on all the dress and luke say yes or no to them all. i got to the last one witch was black and tight and the back was open. i opened the curtain and luke just stared at me.

"what is it really bad"he smiled at me and stood up

"it looks amazing get that one"he said and i smiled and got changed.we left the shop and went to a ice cream bar and you could get as many topping as you wanted. i got vinilla ice cream with strawrberrys chocolate sorce and hurndereds and thounseneds. i could not even see what was on lukes it was like a mountain.

"i think i went a bit over the top"he said and i giggled.

we sat there  for ages chatting and laughing and throwing food at eachother.

"open your mouth"luke said and he picked up mini marshmellows and tryed to throw them in to mh mouth. 

"that sounds so dirty"i said as a marshmellow flow in to my mouth. we got up towarsd the car and i drove us home. luke jumped on the sofa and turned on the tv and i sungled down next to him. he rapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. i looked upp at him and he stared back at me.

"i love you rachie not like fairytale love like i love you with all my heart"i felt my self blushing and i leaned in and kissed him. he kissed me back passantly and i put my fingers though his hair.he lay down on the sofa and i proped up above him and we carryed on kissing. he rapped his arms around me and pulled me on top of him. i kissed his neck and he let out a quiet moan witch made me smile. we went back to kissing and he sat up and i sat on his lap being careful of his leg.i rapped my legs around him body and we carryed on kissing.i felt his hands go up onder my top and i smiled in to our kiss.he pushed my hair to the side and kissed my neck and went up to my ear and i could feel him smiling.he took off his hoodie so he was in a t shirt and we carryed on kissing.

we seprated when we herd the front door open and close and i jusped off luke and sat on the sofa as normally as possable. luke fixed his hair as i had made a mess of it and beau walked in.

"bro your not in a wheel chair "he said and high fived luke.and sat between us witch was a bit awkward.lukes mum walked in and broke the slilence

"the doctor said that in a week you can go for a check up and if your leg is okay you can get the cast of"she said amd hugged him.that night i acually went home. i have spent so long in there house it was weird sleeping in my own bed.the covers were cold with out luke and i did miss him.

the next moring i got up and went down stairs. i had slept in so it was half 12 and i walked in to my kitchen. the door bell rag and i walked over to the door and luke hobbled in. he rapped his arms around my waist and kissed me pasinally.

"i missed you"he said and i smiled

"i missed you more, and your off your cruches"i said and he smiled.

"maybe we should pick up from when we were rudly interupted last night"luke said and a smirk apearred on his face.he conekted are lips together and we started walking backwards until we got to a wall. he slighly pushed me agenst the wall and kissed my neck witch made me let out a moan witch made him smile. i pulled away and toook his hand and led him up stairs. we started to kiss as we reached the top of the stairs and along the coridor. we got to my room and he pushed me agenst the bed and proppped himself up buy his elbows above me.

he joined are lips together and i rappped my arms around his neck and pulled in in. we sat up and he liftedd up his jumper and pullled it off to show his abs. i ran my hand down his six pack and kissed his neck. he put his hands under my top and started to lift it up. he pulled my top off over my head  so i was in a vest top and we carryed on kissing. i seporated are lips and looked into his deep brown eyes.

"i dont want to go to far"i said and he nodded and rejoined are lips. we lay im bed together enjoying eachothers company. he was so cute and carring and so understanding. he has made my life and i am so happy that im with him and alive.

the boys next doorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon