part 13

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i awoke with a start and then the shock of what happened to me yesterday day came back to me.i still cant believe what had happened.i sat up and my face was wet from tears and i just needed to shower and change. i lifted beaus arm witch was around me and placed it back down on the sofa. i walked up in to Luke's room and stepped over the clothes jai had thrown on the floor.i took off Luke's gray hoody that i had worn yesterday and jumped in the shower. i was in there for about half an hour and i jumped out, put on leggings and Luke's jumper and braided my hair. i put on mascara and concealer and walked down stairs. i decided not to put on much make up as i knew i would probably cry alot to day.

i walked in to the kitchen and jai hugged me. we released as the home phone rang and i pushed away from jai and grabbed the phone and put it to my ear

'hello' i said down the phone and a man replyed.

'is this the brooks house' the man asked

'yes it is'i said eagerly down the phone

'i am calling about Luke brooks are you a family member of the brooks'he said and my body froze

' um yes'i said hesitantly as i was not really a family member

' well he is in a bad state but alive and will recover quickly after his operation,'

"is he awake'i practical screamed down the phone

" yes but he needs rest'

'well when can we come see him' i said

' well not today'

"no please i just need to see his face please they would not let me in the ambulance and i need to see him'there was a pores on the end of the phone and i herd computer clicks and the man breathing

"okay but only 4 people are allowed around a bed at a time"he said. he told me where and what time to come and then hung up.i did not know weather to be happy or sad

"he is awake and we can see him today"i said and jais face lit up.

we got beau and his mum and got in the car. we got to the hospital at about 2 o'clock and the doctor came and spoke to miss brooks. 

' mum do you want to see him first on your own'  beau asked and his mum shock her head

' no i think Rachel should see him first as she called the ambulance and has gone though enough already."i hugged here and followed the nurse in to his room.i walked next to abed to see Luke with his eyes closed. he had cuts on his face and they had been sticked up. his leg was in a thin cast and he has lip was split. i sat down next to him and took his hand. as i took it his eyes flickered and i moved closer to him.

'Luke babe its me Luke' his eyes almost fully opened and i felt his hand hold mine.i let out a sign of relief that he remembered me.

"hey baby, 'he said. i looked around him and he was wired up to machines everywhere. i hated seeing him like this. i brushed his fringe from his face and he smiled. i could feel tears burning in the back of my eyes but i needed to stay Strong for him

"Rachel I'm sorry"he said and felt a tear drip down my cheek.

" you don't need to be sorry because i forgive you"i said and kissed his head. he smiled out of the corner of his mouth. he tired to sit up but i pushed him back down"no rest you need to get better." i said and he lay back down in the bed and he looked in pain. i herd the door open behind me and beau jai and his mum walked in. i stood up and let him mum sit down next to him. it was all to much, i cant see him like this.beau came over and hugged me and i cried in to his shoulder.

about 15 minuets later a doctor walked in and told us we had to go. i walked over to the bed and too Luke's hand.

"baby i have to go but ill come and see you tommorrow'i said and he smiled

" bye beautiful'he said and i kissed his head.i walked out of the room and i felt beau put his arm around me.i wanted to scream, why him why Luke my world. why just as soon as i was getting better this had to happen. beau noticed i was crying and pulled me closer to him

"he will be okay he is stronger than you think"he said and i tired to believe him. i wanted him to be at home with me filming videos with his friends. i got in the car and we all went back to the brooks house

"this is how everyone felt while you were in hospital you know"jai said as he pasted me a cup of tea with a jammy dodgier. i took a sip of the tea and it was not as good as Luke made it. i put up the hood of Luke's hoodie and snuggled in to jai. he took the tea out of my hand as i drifted of to sleep.

3 Weeks later

Luke had almost spent a month in hospital and was getting a lot better. he has fractured his ankle and had crunches and a wheel chair. the cuts on his face had heeled and so had gashes up his arms.finally it was they day he could come had felt like he had been away for mouths even though i would see him most days. i went to go pick him up and so did him mum and the rest of them. we walked in to his room and he was testing out the crouches. a lady came over and made him sit in the wheel chair witch he was not to happy about. he smiled when he saw us and the lady wheeled him over to us

'missed you"he said and i bent over and kissed him. the boys ran over and hugged him and grabbed his cheeks. i grabbed the back of his wheel chair and started rolling him out of the room

"i want to wheel him"beau said and tired to take the wheel chair from me.

"you will kill him and i don't trust you"i wheeled him to the car and he got the crutches to help him in to the front seat and we drove home. Luke seemed a bit tense in the car but it was probably because of the accident. we went we got home the boys opened the door for him and he hoped back in his wheel chair and i wheeled him in side and in to the sitting room. ramps and a chair to help him get up the straits had been installed to help him. i could see Luke was already getting frustrated as he tried to reach the TV remote and it was just to far away.

"ill get it"i said and he grabbed it just in time and wheeled towards the TV.he put the TV control on the sofa and wheeled himselff to the stairs. he hopped put of his wheel chair and on to a chair witch carried him up the stairs. i sat down back on the sofa and about 5 minuets later my phone rang in my pocket. i looked at the caller and it was Luke.

"um hi can you help me in to bed please" he said and i laughed. " not in a dirty way i actually cant get in to bed" i ended to phone call and ran up the stairs and Luke was sitting in his wheel chair staring at the bed in anger.i smiled at him and swung him in to bed. it was actually quite hard to life him but we manged.i got in to bed with him and i propped his foot on a pillow and snuggled in to him.

"night baby" he whispered in to my ear.and i slowly drifted to sleep.

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