Thirty four

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Aimee sat in the hospital and smiled as Simon walked into the room. She was finally going home and she was glad all that she wanted to do was go home and be with april and Simon and focus on the rest of her pregnancy.

Aimee knew how hard it was. She had lost a baby and she was scared. Aimee looked to Simon as he walked into the room and smiled

"are you okay" Simon asked as Aimee sighed

"I guess so. I just want to go home and hugged april a lot has happened and I'm just so scared" Aimee said as Simon placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

"I know a lot has happened and I know how scared that your going to lose this baby but I am here and I love you and we are going to do this and we have april we just have to believe that everything is going to be okay as it is, you and april and this baby is my world and there's nothing I won't do for you" Simon said as Aimee looked to him and smiled

"we lost our son"

"I know baby but we will get through it together I promise" Simon said

Aimee sat in the house and smiled as hannah walked in, Aimee looked to her and smiled as hannah sat with her as autumn went off to play with april "are you okay" hannah asked as Aimee sighed

"I don't know I can't help but worry over everything and it scares me and I don't know" Aimee said as hannah looked to her and smiled

"I know that you have been through a lot and I know that you are scared but that's okay, you are allowed to be scared and worried over it all but you are allowed to be scared I mean it's hard but you can through this. With Simon. You and Simon are good and you can do this and this baby is going to mean so much more to you because Of it and it will work out" hannah said as Aimee looked to her and smiled.

Aimee knew that she had lost a baby and she knew that she had to focus on her other baby and april but she knew just how scared that she was over everything that had happened and she didn't know how to deal with it or what to do, she knew that she was terrified

Aimee lay in the bedroom crying as Simon walked in, he looked to her and Frowned, he felt his heart break as he looked to her and saw how much that she was struggling, he sat on the bed next to her and pulled get into his arms and smiled

"I know, I know it's hard but I am here and it's all going to be okay I am here and we will get through this together like we always do" Simon said.

They both knew that they had lost a baby and the grieve of it was getting to them both but could they remain strong despite it all?

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