Author's Reminders

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Please Pay Attention To This One


Here we go again.. How many times I have to put some reminders for some readers that doesn't want to listen?

First, I know this book isn't perfect and it's far from being good. The storyline is a mess, I get it. I made this, so why I would I not know?

It has been completed in less than one month, so you'll see how I didn't think much through of the plot or the storyline. I just wrote and wrote chapters for the sake of the readers waiting for an updates.

Secondly, the Y/N here is far from perfect. You can say all you want about her but it doesn't change the fact that she'd had her character development and those who judge her is not there to comment about it when it happens.

Third, I'm now letting you curse her or her choices and it's fine.. Everyone is free to have their opinion, anyways. But judging me is not okay especially those back-handed compliments I've got so far.

I mean, I've talked about for some time on how I'm beginning to hate Y/N and someone then goes.. But you created her or the other one - I'll try to forget you're the one who made her.

I'm very well aware of that and that's why I made some progress about her personality especially at the endings.

Fourth, read the chapter properly or try to comprehend it deeply before saying.. you're confused.

There's some readers who can't even remember Jay did do this certain things to her and then in the other chapters.. they'll be like - when that happens?

And I'm very thankful for those readers who answered them and clarified the problem about it.

Fifth, I don't condone anyone saying some bad things to the other readers. Like I deleted one comment box because one says the other reader who's comment is connected to the story says she's dumb and then commented again she's just kidding.

Sorry you're not even friends to that reader to say that to her.

You don't sound cool, you sound stupid and yes, a little bit rude in your side.

And last, the issue about Giselle, it wasn't my intention to ship her or anything to Jay or to put her in a bad light. She's a decent character and if someone commented again as to why use her? Then go off, I shouldn't care anymore.

In addition to everything, this book is meant for fun, not for you to visit and compare yourself to the character. There is a borderline between fiction and reality, always remember that.

There are also three alternate endings - one is only the true ending and you'll see it there because I mentioned it in those specific chapters.

I'm also deleting comments as some readers are really talking about some books that isn't mine or worse, compared to this one.

Yes, it's not that perfect like the one you're talking about but go somewhere else, not here.

It's insulting for this author who's always thinking her book isn't that good enough like their praises to that popular author.

That's all.. I should cut this off before the readers here starts to hate on me for calling out some things that I'm not tolerating.. Bye!

Thank you for all the supports and love and to those who never put any judgement in this one... Thank you!


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