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When Yoongi breaks away from the kiss, he can't help but laugh.

Aria frowns and lightly smacks his arm.

"I'm sorry," he says, smiling at her. "It's just kind of insane, don't you think? We met a week ago, yet I feel so connected to you. It's like I've known you my whole life."

Aria nods in agreement, letting her hands slide down to Yoongi's chest.

"It's just... intense," Yoongi says, laughing again and shaking his head.

She smiles at him and nods again.

"Can I ask you something?" He asks suddenly, taking her hands in his own.

She nods.

"Why don't you text me more often? And why is it always simple, short messages when you do text me?"

Aria tenses up a bit and tears her gaze away from Yoongi's questioning gaze, looking down at their hands before shrugging.

"Can I say what my theory is and you can just let me know if I'm right?" He asks softly, letting go of one of her hands to gently grab her chin and tilt her face back up to watch her expressions.

She slowly nods once and tightens her grip on the hand still in her grasp.

"I think it's because, in a way, words failed you. You had such a simple luxury for so long, and it was suddenly gone. And then to you, words lost their meaning and importance because you couldn't use them to express what you were feeling. So you decided that since you couldn't speak words, you didn't want to use words at all. Not after they've abandoned you in such an abrupt way. I think you'd rather just be completely silent and closed off, not letting anyone know your thoughts after everything you went through."

Aria slowly lets her eyes close, tears again falling down her cheeks as she lets out a shaky sigh before nodding her head.

"I told you; I hear you," he whispers before kissing her forehead again. "I know it is so crazy that I understand you so well after just a week, especially since you've not spoken a word to me. But from what Hobi has told me and from what your music has told me, I've put together this clear image of you and I honestly feel like whatever this is... we're meant to help it flourish. And I absolutely intend on doing that. Are you?"

Aria's eyes open and her tear-filled gaze locks onto Yoongi's serious one. She nods.

Yoongi lets out a sigh of relief, part of him being terrified of the girl shutting him out like she so frequently did. But she's open to him; more open than he's ever seen her. She's taking a step forward.

"Good," he whispers before chastely kissing her lips and pulling her out of her chair. "Let's go practice some more, yeah?"


"Hello, friends! I brought pizza and-" Hoseok stops mid-sentence after locking the door behind him when he enters the apartment, seeing Aria and Yoongi cuddled together on the couch, sleeping, whilst a movie plays on the television.

Hoseok smiles fondly at his two friends before setting his pizza down so he can take a photo of them, making sure the flash is off this time.

"You two are perfect for each other," he mumbles to himself before reaching down to pull the blanket further over the pair.

Hoseok looks down at the two of them, pure admiration on his face.

"I'm so glad you found each other," he says to the sleeping couple before taking one last picture and then going upstairs to shower and get ready for bed.

As Hoseok is in the shower, he can't help but feel so much joy for his best friend. They've known each other for so long, and even before her parents died, Hoseok had promised to always take care of his friend as though she is his own flesh and blood.

He didn't hesitate to let Aria move into an apartment with him when he started college, and even though she gets a disability check as well as life insurance money from both of her parents, he doesn't allow her to use it to pay any of the bills; he told her to save it up and use it to buy the best quality instruments that she can find.

He works at his parents' restaurant until he graduates with his degree, and then he plans to open a dance studio. After that, he can get paid for teaching others to do what he loves to do with his entire body and soul.

In his life's plan, his goals are simple: take care of Aria and dance. That's all he's ever wanted, and he has never hesitated to do exactly that. She tries so hard to pay the bills, but Hoseok refuses. He's taking care of her; it's what a good brother would do.

But now, she has met someone; someone else who only has two simple goals, and one of those goals is to take care of Aria. Suddenly, in one week's time, Hoseok has realized that he's met someone who has Aria's best interests at heart, just like he and his family do.

Hoseok was prepared to care for Aria for his entire life; to support her and show her that even though her parents are gone, she is still loved so much by her best friend and his parents.

Now, she not only has that; she has Yoongi. She has someone else willing to care for her even when she's too lost in the darkness to care for herself.

Hoseok never thought he would meet someone so in tune with Aria as Yoongi is. It's like he can understand her completely, even when she can't say anything out loud.

Hoseok can feel a weight being lifted from his chest when he sees how happy Aria has become; he never thought he would see her smile again, much less want to share her music with anyone but him.

But Yoongi came into their lives, and she's suddenly showing Hoseok glimpses of that happy, carefree Aria that he grew up living next door to. Slowly but surely, he is getting his best friend back and it's all thanks to the guardian angel that walked in on her playing the piano that night in the music room.

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