Giving Handkerchiefs Superstitious Belief

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Giving a handkerchief is said to signify tears to come as what the famous gift-giving superstition in the Philippines. It is considered a gift of negativity because it is used to wipe tears. I don't really believe in superstitions but this one had proved something. I was given these handkerchiefs as Christmas presents in December 2017 by my two friends (they were somewhat close to me). Something happened which caused the friendship to break the following year. Tears were shed and feelings were hurt. Eventually, we stopped talking and we are no longer friends anymore.

I wasn't against their presents tome and it's always the thoughts that count. It was probably just a mere coincidence that it happened. I had no clue but a month after they gave the handkerchiefs I felt something. Their treatment of me got changed over the past months and it was as if I did something wrong. So that's it! Perhaps the event was just a coincidence but we never know with just one situation.

I still have the handkerchiefs at home in the PH, I think. 😆I gave some to my mama and unfortunately, I made her cry at the airport when I left for the US. Is it another coincidence?

Yuchae Moon

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