Google AdSense Approval

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Good news! Google AdSense has finally approved our application to monetize our website It means there will be ads on the site. I applied for it for 4 times last year and I got rejected every time. I kind of knew the reason why cos the website was still new. Now that the website will be a year old in two months, perhaps it's time to get approved. So last week I applied again thinking of another rejection. But I was wrong! They approved it, at last!

If you don't know what our website is all about, it's a cooking recipe website. As we started it last year, we were so hopeful it would succeed but as the days went by, people just stopped visiting it. We also neglected to update our Facebook page. So if you want to try something new, visit our website. We have posted a lot of recipes there. Thank you!

Yuchae Moon

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