My lifelong illness

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I didn't kiss my hubby and son the whole day today cos I got a cold sore.

I found out that kissing can spread it. How come I have had this since elementary & I had no boyfriend since birth for 24 years?

Then I read more & found it spreads through sharing drinks, handshakes, & hugs.

I know this is treatable (I normally put peanuts on it) and it can't be cured. This is lifelong. I thought it won't be back anymore since I didn't have this for 5 years and unluckily this year it decided to say hello and bother my life.

I just get used to the uncomfortable feeling on my upper lip. I got dark spots on my lip from the scar.

People might not know about my lifelong burden but I embrace this. I'm glad I suffer from this and not my loved ones.

And oh, I didn't know that this was contagious before. I don't know any of my friends that have this though. And I know I shared drinks with them before.

Yuchae Moon

Unheard Voice and Unexpressed Feelings [2020-2021]Where stories live. Discover now