I don't share any fights with my parents

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I video chatted with my mother yesterday and she was with her friends (our neighbors). One of them asked my mother if my husband and I ever have arguments or fights. My mother replied not that she knew of.

I've never vented the arguments and fights I had with my husband.

I've never shared bad happenings in my marriage with my mother (and father). It's between me and my husband. I also don't want my parents to get worried about me. I don't want them to think negatively about my husband. We all have flaws and imperfections.

We make mistakes. I'm not the kind of person who tells or shares negative attributes of a person with other people.

In marriage, whatever mistakes, flaws, shortcomings, disagreements and quarrels spouses encounter, should remain between them.

People outside the marriage have nothing to do with them. Don't let them join any fights. Don't share anything with them other than the good ones. You don't want people to think bad about your spouses.

Yuchae Moon

Unheard Voice and Unexpressed Feelings [2020-2021]Where stories live. Discover now