Still heartbroken

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I remember when I showed my grandma the photo of her deceased son (who died when I was 2 years old) and asked her who was in the photo (I didn't know who he was that time. It was my first time to see him. I was being nosy and found his photo.) I felt bad when she startedsobbing the moment she saw the photo. I didn't understand as I wasyoung at that time. It's still painful for her to lose a son afterall these years. I can't imagine the sorrow she felt when grandpadied almost two months ago.

Now, looking at my grandpa'sphotos never fails to make me cry. I understand what my grandma feltwhen she saw her son's photo. The agony is unbearable. Time might notease the pain I feel and the yearning to be with him again. It hasbeen 53 days since his passing and it's still painful. I can feel howheavy my heart gets when I look at my grandpa's photos and screenrecordings of our video chats. The pain is unbearable!

Losinga family member is my greatest fear. This is the first time that Iexperience this and now I totally understand the pain. The kind ofpain that I don't want anyone to go through but life's like that. Welose people.

Yuchae Moon

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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