Chapter 14.

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The bright daylight shone through the gorgeous Japanese countryside, illuminating everything it touched with a brilliant golden light. Kyameron's crow flew through the air, casting an ever-so-small shadow on the world below. The only peace found in Japan at any time was where the demons couldn't reach; the sky.

The crow glided through the countryside, occasionally flapping its wings to stay in the airflow. It passed over many rice and grain fields, soaring to the highest points of the great blue. It crossed over a city illuminated by the bright lines lining its streets, even during mid-day. After crossing the urban areas, it crossed over to an empty space.

The lone structure in this area was a small house with a massive field populated with many training items and battle residue. In the middle stood a man with an unmistakable flaming haircut; Kyojuro Rengoku.

The crow descended and landed on the branch nearest Rengoku, "Message for Kyojuro Rengoku! Message for Kyojuro Rengoku!" it shouted.

"Ah, what news do you bring me?!" Rengoku said

"Message! From your student, Kyameron!"

"Ah! He passed the final selection! I'm not surprised, but I am proud nonetheless! What message does he have for me?!"

The crow's voice then magically changed into Kyameron's, "Master, it is your student. I have sent this message not only to inform you of my passing of final selection, but to ask your permission for something. I request to wait for my blade with my Brother, Tanjiro, and accompany him back to Urokodaki as to spend some time with my family,"!

"So his brother was there as well! How pleasant for him! Kusugai Crow, I have a message to return!"

The crow listened as Rengoku began to speak his message, "Well done, my student! I am proud to hear you have passed! As for your request, I am slightly disappointed that you won't be here with me to receive your blade! I grant you permission to stay with your family! Once you receive your blade and your first mission, carry it out! Afterward, return to me so we can appoint you my full-fledged Tsuguko!"

The crow took off once again, heading towards its new master.

Said master was already travelling back to Urokodaki's with Tanjiro. He had a hunch his master would say yes to his family leave, so he decided not to make Tanjiro or Urokodaki wait. The daylight began to wane as the two entered the same bamboo valley area that led up to Urokodaki's home. Tanjiro had to walk with a stick in his hands as his legs were about to fail, "You need a hand, bro?" Kyameron asked

"N-no... I'm fine..." Tanjiro said

"Listen, man, I'm not gonna hold it against you if you ask for help,"

"Yes, you are..."

"I swear I won't,"

"You... will..."

"Alright, then,"

Tanjiro slowly eeked his way forward, holding his weight up with the stick before moving forward again. Kyameron was getting second-hand embarrassment from seeing Tanjiro like this, so he took Tanjiro's arm around his shoulder and helped him forwards. As the night set in, Kyameron's crow flew in from above, "Message for Kyameron Kamado! Message for Kyameron Kamado!" it yelled.

Kyameron stuck out his free arm as the crow landed on it. It relayed Rengoku's message in his voice, "Well done, my student! I am proud to hear you have passed! As for your request, I am slightly disappointed that you won't be here with me to receive your blade! I grant you permission to stay with your family! Once you receive your blade and your first mission, carry it out! Afterward, return to me so we can appoint you my full-fledged Tsuguko!"

Demon Slayer; Kyameron KamadoWhere stories live. Discover now