Chapter 55.

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Every rose has its thorn; a perfect antithesis to every midnight has its morning. Sunlight plowing through the completely snowed-in window illuminated Shinobu's office in a deep golden glow with every vial of chemicals, substances and whatnot sparkling. Reflected sun rays bounced around the room off these vials, with a particularly bright and nasty one settling on Kyameron's sealed right eyelid. The uncomfortable glare interrupted his unwilling slumber, groggily waking him from a two-hour nap, 'Oh God,' he thought, moving away from the glare, 'First good sleep in a while ruined by sunlight. Do you hate me or something?' Kyameron asked the sun, avoiding staring it in the eyes.

The door swung open, and in walked the room's owner, Shinobu, 'Ah, you're awake. Splendid.' She said, grabbing a needle from her desk.

'What... Why...' Kyameron muttered, trying and failing to form coherent sentences.

'Please take it easy. Your mind is still rather unsettled.' She warned, drawing up trace amounts of a clear, viscous liquid into the needle.

'Un...settled?' Kyameron asked, practically slurring his words.

'The panic attack you suffered was major, meaning your mind is still prone to, among other things, overreactions and freak-outs if stimulated too much. So please, take it easy,' She replied, walking over with her needle and injecting it into Kyameron's shoulder, 'This should settle your heart rate into a consistent state; rather than its sporadic nature at the moment.' She explained, pulling the needle out of his shoulder after injecting all the liquid. Kyameron's mouth lip-synced words, attempting to ask for Nezuko and what she'd done afterwards. Barely stuttering out the question, Shinobu replied, 'You remember that? That's a good sign. Unfortunately, Nezuko merely left after she helped you. I'm unsure why she did it in the first place, but I'd look at it as an improvement.'

A sinkhole opened in Kyameron's eyes, sucking every trace of joy from his being. 'Why?' He said. Why was it this way? Why can't she remember? He'd put off the question for quite some time now, but it ate him from the inside out like a parasite. Since Nezuko avoided his gaze in the cave before they met Urokodaki, a hole was ripped in his soul. Rengoku had put a patch on that void, but it doubled in size with him gone.

'I see you're stewing. Your sister?' Shinobu questioned, sitting on a nearby stool. Kyameron unenthusiastically nodded, locking his glossy eyes on a bottle labelled with a skull and bones, titled "Arsenic." Another vial held a glowing purple liquid labelled "Wisteria Poison." 'I see. This has been nagging you for some time now, no?' Kyameron nodded, keeping his attention firmly on the illuminated purple bottle. 'This probably isn't the best time to have this conversation. I'll let you rest and recover-'

Shinobu, who had stood up and was on her way out of the room, was cut off and held by the arm. Spinning to meet Kyameron's gaze, he shook his head and muttered, 'No. Now.'

'Oh! Well then- I suppose we can do it.' Shinobu answered, her face flush with blood, 'You can... Let go of me now,' She squeaked.

Kyameron apologized, 'I didn't hurt you, did I?'

'No, no, of course not. You just- took me by surprise, is all.' A flustered Shinobu replied, drawing up a stool again.

The wind howled outside, smashing against the snow-covered window. With a bag of bricks trying to pull him over, Kyameron sat on the edge of his bed, rubbed his temples, and began, 'It's all so unfair. Nezuko was turned into a demon, and sub-sequentially, my life has become a dumpster fire. Sometimes someone tosses water inside. Then another hurls a barrel of gasoline into it. Nobody has ever given me a reason, either. The closest I've gotten was Urokodaki telling me about his hypnotic spell to make her view everyone as family. Everyone BUT me. A real family member is the only one she DOESN'T see as one. That sounds stupid, doesn't it?!' Kyameron angrily asked.

Demon Slayer; Kyameron KamadoWhere stories live. Discover now