Chapter 2

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Aly- Drake, I'm going to go seat with the gryffindor and slytherins so I can make friends before people know who I am, later bro.

Draco- later sis, if you need me I'll be with the ravenclaws and hufflepuffs.

After drake told me where he was going. I left with my trunk in hand towards the real party the gryffindor and slytherin compartments. I finally made it to a gryffindor compartment that was empty so I sat down and let my cub out. Then I heard a knock on my compartment door. I wave my hand and open it.

Aly- May I help you?

I asked rather rude.

Malfoy- yes you can, your in my compartment. So either tell me who you are or leave.

Aly- ok, I'll tell you the truth and then you can appoligise for talking to me like that.

Malfoy- A malfoy never says sorry unless to a royal. NOW, who are you?

Aly- I am Princess Amber Alyssa Nicole Grant Princess of Ganovia.

Malfoy- I am sorry my princess I didn't recognize you.

Aly- it's alright but you can call me aly but please don't tell anyone who I am yet. I want true friends in gryffindor and slytherin cause my blood traitor brother is with ravenclaw and hufflepuff.

Malfoy- won't your parents disown him if he is sorted into one of them?

Aly- yes, and they will take his right to the throne away and give it to me. If I find a boyfriend before my 13th birthday. I will be 12 in October.

Malfoy- Oh, well I will help you find a boyfriend by then by the way. I am Lucius Malfoy.

Aly- cool can I call you Luc?

Luc- yeah, that's cool what kind of pet is that in your lap?

Aly- a lion cub his name is simba.

Luc- cool, do you mind if my friends join us?

Aly- not at all as long as they are gryffindor or slytherins.

Luc- They are gryffindor. I'll be right back.

Aly- ok

He left the room and came back 5 mins later.

Luc- guys this is aly and Aly this is James potter, Remus lupin, peter Pettigrew and.....

Aly- Sirius is that you?

Sirius- hello little cuz, how are you?

Aly - I'm good

Luc- I take it y'all are family?

Aly - yep he is my older cousin.

James- wait, if you are Sirius cousin that means you're......

Aly - Amber Alyssa Nicole Grant Princess of Ganovia

James- Cool but I'm not treating you any different from anyone else.

Aly- good cuz I want to everyone to treat me normal at least those I consider my friends but that's if y'all want to be my friends.

James- of course we will be right guys?

They all agreed.

Sirius- where's your brother?

Aly - my blood traitor brother is with ravenclaw and hufflepuff.

Sirius- Oh it's ok aly, you have us forget your brother. Is that simba in your lap? Is he your fimular?

Aly - yes, it is simba and yes he is. Well I'm going to change into my robes yall might want to do the same. We will be there in a few minutes.

Sirius- we all know that you can do wand less magic so just do it and you won't have to leave.

Aly - already being an over protective cousin are we Sirius?

Sirius - of course

I do the wand less spell and I'm changed into my robes.

Aly - happy?

Sirius - yes I am and lucius you have to ride the boats right?

Luc - yes let me guess you want me to stick to Alys side and protect her til we get to the great hall?

Sirius - yep and if you don't the maurders will prank you.

Aly - Sirius, can I join the maurders?

Sirius - we will give you an answer after sorting!

Aly- ok, well let's go to the boats Luc.

We got off the train. My cousin and his Friends go to the boats and I find one with my other two cousins in it.

Princess Amber Alyssa Nicole GrantWhere stories live. Discover now