chapter 26

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The next morning----

I just got up and went to go talk to Carlile and esme. Also to make sure Alazer found them ok. I got to the hospital wing and saw the exact replica of hogwarts hospital wing and then saw madam pomfrey.

Aly- hello madam pomfrey glad you could make it but when did you arrive?

MP- a few minutes ago. Dumbledore and McGonagall are in the throne room/ great hall waiting on you. Everything is under control here and your three vampires are fast learners so I should be done in four hours teaching them.

Aly- thank you madam pomfrey

Mp- your very welcome Princess.

I then left and headed to the throne room. I entered the throne room. I find Dumbledore and McGonagall laughing with Marcus and Claus.

Aly- what I miss?

Claus- nothing much except you didn't tell me you were a better prankster then James Remus and Sirius.

Aly- so Dumbledore and Minnie are telling on me are they.

Dumbledore - not really telling on you more like telling your less embarrassing school stories.

Aly- what embarrassing stories oh nvm.

Claus - Oh so you have done something embarrassing at Hogwarts well I might have to hear about that story my love.

Aly- that's a story I'm sure Dumbledore and McGonagall will not tell you but if you find the right students I'm sure they will buy it's not Sirius or Draco either.

Claus- why won't you tell me Alyssa?

Aly- it's too embarrassing

Claus - fine I guess I'll go find James and Remus I'm sure one of them will tell me.

Aly- crap I didn't think you would figure out who to ask so fast.

Claus left to go find them and Marcus not so far behind.

Princess Amber Alyssa Nicole GrantWhere stories live. Discover now