Chapter 22 (meeting with the students)

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Aly- Sirius enough I asked them to come and if anyone has a problem with it. They can answer to me now, let's get in there.

We enter the room and I saw everyone I asked to come there.

Aly- ok I asked all of y'all here cause I am starting a year round wizard school in Italy. This will be protecting you from the dark lord and keeping some of yall from becoming death eaters and if y'all want y'all will become vampires. After y'all are done with school I will offer all y'all teaching jobs in the school. I do have a power to make vampires pregnant so y'all will still be able to have children. Who ever wants to come will travel there by floo powder here in the fire place provided. Now who will like to join?

Lucius,Bella,cici and severus- we are in!

Aly- ok Sirius stay here while I take them and don't let them leave til they talk to me!

The five of us got in the fire place.

Aly- the Volturi castle throne room.

We got in golf in green flames and came to the Volturi. I yelled for jane.

Jane- yes, my queen

Aly- These are our first students take them to the gaunt house wing please but first for yall to know the gaunt house is like the slytherin house at Hogwarts which reminds me. Jane take Miss Narcissa Black to the Prewitt house wing. Narcissa, the Prewitt house is like the gryffindor house at Hogwarts. Since y'all are first here pick a room on your wing yall get your own rooms and bathrooms.  I'll be back please stay in your wings til I get back.

I flooed back to the ROR. When I get back the rest said they wanted to go as well so I flooed with James, Remus, Arthur, and frank. Sirius flooed with molly, reg, nymphadora cause Dumbledore told him to bring her and Alice.

Aly- ok reg since you were a slytherin you will be in gaunt house wing. Your own room and bathroom on gaunt house wing. Jane please come here.

Jane- yes my queen

Aly- Jane please take Mr black to the gaunt house wing and get me a map of who has what room so I can put up charms from girls entering boys rooms and boys from entering girls rooms.

Jane- yes my queen

Aly- ok James molly lily Remus Alice and Arthur, yall will be in Prewitt house yes molly I named it after your twin brothers who passed on but Prewitt house is like gryffindor at Hogwarts. Alec come here please.

Alec- yes Aly

Aly- will you please escort mr. Potter, Mr Lupin, Mr Weasley,  miss evens, miss Prewitt and Alice to the Prewitt house wing please make a map of all the rooms so I can do the charms on the room doors.

Alec- of course

Aly- Dora is it ok I call you that cause I know you don't like your whole name.  But since you and frank are the only students in black house I will give yall an option of having a room on my hall it is basically just me on the hall since I'm the queen of Volturi and I can change your rooms to whatever colors you like.

Frank- that's fine with me.

Dora- yes, you can call me Dora or Tonks and I will love to be on your hall and please show me the charm to change my room.

Aly- well I like Tonks so I'll call you that and if you and frank will follow me I'll take yall to yalls rooms.

I take them to there rooms and I taught them both how to do the color changing charms. So there rooms are to their liking now. I put a charm on her and his rooms. I went back to the throne room and changed it to a small great hall with one long table we will eat together.

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